Ch. 18 ( A different path )

Start from the beginning

"Yes..and am, not were." I Say sternly not liking the tense she used.

"But didn't she?.." She stops herself realizing what she said.

I give a look that she quickly reads and stops talking. She clears her throat and hugs her books a bit tighter.

"W-we'll an old friend of hers is moving here and she was going to show her around if you know of anyone who would like to do it or maybe knows her friend also that would be great." She Says quickly.

"Yeah ok...what's the friends name?" I ask.

"Uhh.." She looks at a clip bored in her hand for a minute scanning the paper. "Lily.? Yeah! Lily Rivéra." She Says.

"Oh ok."

"Well thanks for..listening." She Says then walks away.

I huff lazily turning my body and heading to my next class. Right as I was outside the door I hear a group of girls talking which I don't care about, but I heard my name so I got interested.

"Omg shut up! I thought you liked Kaden!?"

"Well I did but, Cole's started to get my attention. Yah he's not up there yet on the popularity scale with his weird friends and all, but damn have you looked recently?" She Says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes annoyed and start to walk away. Ever since Stephanie's gotten more..Defensive for me I guess? More girls have noticed my whole existence, and are now flirting a lot which is insanely annoying. I really liked being not noticed, and not having the stress of caring what other people think.

As I keep walking I started to zone away from their conversation until I heard one thing..

"Hey at least he's not taken anymore." One says.

"I don't think that girl was dating him in the first place I think they were just friends." Another Says.

"Eh who cares she's outa the way now so I can finally have my chance." She girl smirks.

"Tbh who ever murdered her did you a favor. You two would be a cute couple!"

As I was listening I gripped the lockers and put a huge dent in the metal. My blood was boiled as I stomped my way over there to tell them to shut their mouths. When I was just about to say something someone quickly steps infront of me in a flirty way getting very close.

"Cole Bear it's been a while." Stephanie says with a smile and biting her lip. She throws her arms up on my shoulders and around my neck leaning closer to me.

"What?" I Say not in the mood to even care.

"Well jeez aren't you happy to see me?" She Says making a fake pouty face.

"I said what. Now answer before I leave."

She sighs putting her arms down. "I'm having a party. You should go."

"Nope.." I Say turning around to leave.

"Oh come on, Cole. It'd be fun.! Plus your starting to join the higher group here. If you go it'd help." She smiles.

I huff. "I don't want to be popular Stephanie. I'm happy the way I am."

"Maybe you do but most of your friends don't. I mean you think they like getting bullied, shoved and made fun of everyday? You can help them out but helping yourself out."

"Heh yah right..It might be hard somedays but we have each other. Also I need you to stop." I say tensely.

"Stop What?" She asks why putting her hands on her hips.

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