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I gather my clothes and makeup and walk across the hall to Sarinna's room. I dump everything on her bed. She looks up from her phone. "What are you doing?"

"I have a date with Jayce and I needa look good."

She smirks at me. "Is it that white boy? I know he wasn't just a friend."

I roll my eyes. "He was at first. Are you gonna help me or not?"

She puts her phone down. "With what?" I point to the clothes I put on her bed.

"Help me pick an outfit."

She goes through my pile and arranges an outfit of a yellow oversized tee with a pair of black leggings. I give her a look and she put together another outfit. This time it's a sweater dress with her knee-length boots.

"Those boots aren't me," I tell her.

"Ok, but it looks cute."

"No, it doesn't." I dig through the clothes and pull out a simple black dress that hugs me just right and an oversized jean jacket. "I'm wearing this."

"So why did you even ask me for help?" She asks, annoyed.

I shrug at her. "I was just tryna see if you had good ideas... You didn't." I turn to her mirror. "Now... How should I do my hair?"

"Let it out."

I nod. "Yeah, maybe I'll do that."

"So where y'all going?"

"Movies." I turn away from the mirror to look at her. "Y'know he kissed me?"

"What?" She grins. "When?"

"Yesterday," I answer. "You kind a dropped me off early and I felt weird for being there early and he was like 'it's fine. This means we can hang out or whatever.' So we went to his room and we were just chilling with his cat-- he has a cat named Persie. She's awesome. Anyway we were laying on his bed and he asked to kiss."

"And you said yes?" She asks. I nod my head. "So... you don't like Xavier anymore? At all?"

That kinda ruins the mood for me. I grab my things and make for the door. "I should prolly start getting ready."

"Zaki... I'm sorry. I didn't--"

"It's fine." I leave her room and go back to my own. I sit on the bed and stare at the wall. The one with the heart.

My phone buzzes, pulling me outta my thoughts. It's a text from Jayce.

I'll be there soon.


I get up and head to my bathroom. Sarinna's question is all the more reason for going on this date with Jayce. I needa get over Xavier since he's already moved on. Plus Jayce is nice, fun, and cute. What more could I want?


Sarinna pokes her head in my room just as I finish getting ready. "He's here! Your white boy is here!"

"Ok. I'm coming." I grab my bag. "And stop calling him that."

"Hurry up. I'll distract Ma while you go." She runs to the living room and I sneak out.

Jayce is standing by his car, waiting for me. I can tell he dressed up too cuz he's hot on a blue button down that looks real nice with his eyes. "Hi."

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