Date Night

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I FaceTime Aiden cuz my date with Xavier is in 3 days and I have no idea what to wear.

"Help me," I groan, dramatically at him.

He sighs. "With what?"

"I need something to wear for my date," I tell him. "I have nothing to wear."

He rolls his eyes at me. "I've seen your closet, Zakiyah. Stop being dramatic."

I give him a look. "Ok, I have clothes, but I need something that's cute." I pout at him. "I wanna look cute for Xavier."

"Aww," he laughs at me. "You're so adorable."

"So will you help me?" I ask.

He lays back on his bed. "Of course. Show me the choices."

"Ok." I prop my phone up so he can see my closet without me holding it. I walk to my closet and open it. I stare at my clothes and go back to my phone. "So, uh... I don't really have any choices yet... That's why I need you."

He blinks at me. "Ok, what color do you wanna wear?"

I shrug. "What color do you think Xavier would think looks pretty on me?"

He sighs loudly. "Zakiyah! Just pick a color."

I turn back yo my closet. "Ok... We're going out at night so maybe I should go with darker colors." I look back at Aiden. "Right?"

"Sure, Zakiyah," he nods. "Just show me the dresses."

I start pulling out all the purple, blue, and black dresses. When I'm done, there are about 15 dresses piled on my bed.

"Ok, now try all of them on and I'll tell you what you think," Aiden says.

I grin at him. "Like a fashion show."

"Yes, Zakiyah, like a fashion show," he laughs. "Now go."

The first dress I try on is plain, long sleeved, and blue. I stand in from of my phone and turn around for Aiden.

"It's ni-"

"I don't like it," I tell him.

He rolls his eyes again at me. "Then I don't like it either. Next."

I take off the blue dress and trade it for a short sparkly one. I barely stand in front if the screen before Aiden vigorously shakes his head no. "Go back. Go back. Go back."

I glare at him. "Well, you don't have to be so nice about it," I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, but you look like a disco ball." He bursts out laughing.

I stomp back to my bed and pick up a black gown. We go back and forth like this until we both agree on a blue two piece.

I grab my phone and plop down on my bed. "Ok. Now..."

"What now?" He groans. "You have something to wear, isn't that enough."

It's my turn to roll my eyes at him. "I need a look."

"What does that even mean?" He asks

"My hair, accessories, makeup," I explain to him.

"Lord." He sighs. "Fine. You should..." He squints at me as of to decide what to tell me. "You should wear your hair up. Like the pineapple way." I laugh at that. "No jewelry, no makeup."

I look at him, skeptically. "Really? That seems kinda plain."

"Trust me," he nods. "I know what Xavier likes."

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