Boo'd Up

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I wake up when Xavier's alarm goes off. He's already up, sitting on the edge of the couch. He quickly reaches for his shirt when he sees I'm awake. I grab his arm to stop him. "Don't."

"Why not?" He asks, frowning in annoyance.

"Cuz I wanna see you." I sit up, making sure the blanket is still covering my boobs. He just shakes his head and starts putting his shirt on. "Stop."

"You wanna see me?" I nod my head. He tugs at the blanket around me. "Well, I wanna see you too."

I push his hand away. "That's different." He chuckles and walks into the kitchen. I look for the shirt I had on last night and go in the bathroom.

When I get back, Xavier's at the stove making eggs. I open the kitchen windows to let fresh air in. "Oh, it's  beautiful outside."

"Not as beautiful as you," he goes.

I look over my shoulder at him. He  grins back. "You're corny. You know that?"

"But it made you smile." He dumps the eggs on two plates and goes to the fridge.

"Want me to make French toast?" I offer.

"I already made it." He pours two glasses of juice (apple for me and orange for him). I help him bring the food to the table.

"Why'd you do all this?" I ask him, sitting down.

"Cuz you're hungry." He starts eating. "I gotta go home and get dressed."

"You're leaving me?" I pout. I take a bite outta the toast and it's really good.

"I have an interview," he explains.

"For a job?" I ask. He nods, mouth too full to talk. "That's awesome! Why didn't you tell me?"

He shrugs. "I didn't wanna say anything until there was a chance I'd get the job."

"Where?" I drink my juice.

"Trampoline Universe." He downs his juice and burps loudly. "I wanna get there before my interview time."

"'Early is on time, and on time is late'," I tell him.

He puts his dishes in the sink. "I'll see you later." He grabs his sweater and keys and goes to the door. He comes back a second later and grabs my face to kiss me.

"Oh!" I go, surprised.

"I don't want you staying here by yourself," he tells me. "Call Marissa."

"Ok. Now get outta here." I laugh, pushing him away.

"Ok. Bye." He leaves and I go back to my breakfast.

As I'm washing the dishes, my phone rings. I wipe my wet hands on a towel and answer it. "Hey."

"Zakiyah!" It's Cyrus. "How are you?"

I laugh cuz he actually called me. Based on all the stories Rissa tells me, guys who ask for your number will almost never call. "I'm good. You?"

"I'm great," he answers. "You busy today?"

"No." I go, filling with excitement already. "Why? Do you wanna do something?"

"Yeah!" He laughs. "Let's..."

"Go to an arcade!" I suggest. "I'm in the mood for winning."

"You really think you can beat me at arcade games?" He asks, laughing.

"Oh, I know I can." I go.

"We'll see about that." So I send him my address and run to my room to make myself look pretty.

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