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Marissa shakes me awake the next morning. "C'mon. The boys are still asleep!"

"So?" I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up.

"So..." Kristi goes. "Let's wake them up." She holds a pink pillow put towards me. I look over at Rissa and see that she has her own pillow.

Grinning, I accept the pillow and the three of us go down to where the boys are sleeping in the basement. The basement is really just Marissa's old playroom.

"Do you want Xavier?" Marissa whispers. At first I think she's talking to me and I swear my heart literally skips a beat.

"I'll pass," Kristi answers. Oh.

"Ok, I'll get him." Rissa peers down at Xav's sleeping form. We count to three and get to whacking them with the pillows.

"What the fuck?" Michael groans as my pillow hits him again and again. "Ok! I'm awake!" He grabs the pillow from me and hits me hella hard in the face.

"Ow!" I yank the pillow he was sleeping on from under his head and hit him with it.

"Y'all are just evil!" Aiden yells, hitting Kristi so hard with his pillow that she topples over. That's when it turns into a full out Pillow War.

After a while I'm so outta breath, I drop myself to the floor. "Ok! I surrender!"

"Zakiyah!" Marissa complains at me.

"Girl, I'm tired." I tug my tank top down to cover my belly button. "And I'm hungry."

"Me too!" Aiden drops his pillow and comes over to me. He holds his hand up to help me up. I take his hand. "What's for breakfast?"

I look at the others, smiling. "Let's make pancakes!"

"Chocolate chip?" Xavier asks, shoving the pillow he's holding into Rissa's face.

I point at him and nod. "Chocolate chip."

"Well, let's go then. I'm starving." Michael's already making his way upstairs.

Me, Marissa, and Aiden work together to mix the batter while the other three get the stove and plates ready. Xavier uses the chocolate chips to make smiley faces on the pancakes while Michael flips them.

Marissa nudges me in the arm and nods in Kristi's direction. "She still likes him."

I look up from my phone and watch Kristi watch Xavier. "But isn't she talking to other guys?"

Marissa leans her head against mine and whispers."Last night she said that she wants to be with him, but she thought he only wanted her for sex."

"That makes no sense," I whisper back. "She was the one always tryna have sex with him."

Marissa nods. "Exactly. She also said that by the time she realized he didn't want sex, he ended things."

"Oh. Well that's just..."

"Sad." Marissa finishes for me.

"Bon appétit!" Aiden exclaims when the food's ready.

I laugh at him. "You're not even using it right." I go to sit at the table.

"I would if you'd teach me." He flicks my head and sits next to me. I flick him back and he glares on my direction.

"Man, forget her," Xavier says. "I gotchu. Say 'Je mange du butin'."

"Je mange... The button?" Aiden tries. I stiffle a laugh.

"Du butin," Xav repeats.

"Je mange du butin." Aiden says perfectly. That's when I lose it and just crack up laughing. "What? What is it?"

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