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"Can we stop at my house so I can pick some stuff?" I ask Xavier. We're all headed to Marissa's house to get ready for the party.

"Please be fast," Mike groans. So we swing by my house and I run outta the car.

I don't expect my parents to be home but they are. I go over to my mom, smiling. "Hey, Ma. I--"

"Not now, Zakiyah," she cuts me off. "I have to take this call." She walks off to the kitchen.

I turn to Dad. Him and Sarinna are on the couch laughing and talking about Sarinna's tennis matches. Sighing to myself, I get my stuff and quietly leave the house without them even knowing I was there at all.

Xav frowns at me when I get in the car. "You good?" I just nod, not trusting myself to speak. "Zak, it's fine if--"

"I'm good," I say through clenched teeth. "Can we just go?" He takes the car outta park and drives in the direction of Rissa's house.


"Oh, my God!" Kristi laughs taking a picture outta one if the boxes around us. "Is this you guys?" We're going through old things in Marissa's attic.

I look over her shoulder. It's a picture of me and Marissa from first grade. We're both grinning at the camera, icing covering our faces.

"That was from when we celebrated y'all birthday at Kiyah's." Marissa smiles at me. By y'all she means me and Xav. We share a birthday. "I remember Xavier made you cry."

"What?" Kristi turns to Xavier, laughing. "Why would you do that?"

"He made her tooth fall out and then told her she looked like a pirate," Mike recalls.

"Ok to be fair, the tooth was already loose," Xav defends himself. "And I meant it as a compliment. I thought pirates were cool then."

"And then I hadda make her feel better so I asked her mom to bring out the cake," Marissa adds, putting the picture back. "And it worked."

I playfully poke her cheek. "What would I do without you?" She just shrugs and goes to look through another box.

"Yo!" Aiden exclaims, getting all out attention. "Remeber this?" He holds up a poster paper and we all go over to see what it is. "It's the rules we made when we first became friends."

I laugh. "I totally forgot about this."

Marissa takes it from him and starts reading it out loud:

1. Be honest no matter what
2. Treat each other nice
3. No keeping secrets from each other
4. Everyone has to be happy
5. Make each other laugh.
6. Share your candy
7. Give hugs
8. No kissing or boning each other
9. No new best friends
10. Stay best friends forever

"We were so innocent." Rissa looks at Kristi. "Guess we'll have to change number 9." That makes Kristi smile.

"We can, like change other ones too, right?" Xavier asks. I look at him cuz I know exactly what he's thinking.

Aiden frowns. "Why? I think it's fine." He looks around at us. "Y'all have been following the rules, right?" We all nod.

"We should prolly start getting dressed," I say, already walking outta the attic.

Us girls head to Marissa's room while the boys go to the 'basement'. I shower to freshen up and to think and relax.

I go back and dress myself. Kristi and Marissa are having a slight wardrobe malfunction so I leave. "I'm getting a snack. Y'all want anything?" They shake their heads, dismissing me. I make my way to the kitchen.

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