MTMTE Rodimus X Cybertronain! Reader

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A late-night adventure

The lost light, a home for at least 108. For me and my friends, even are leader the oh mighty Rodimus Prime a mech that is more of sparking then a mech. He tries to be a leader which is good to a point, but when it gets to the point that he doesn't know how to be a leader anymore then it's time to give up on him; however, no one on the ship has given up just yet. Even if we are attacked left and right we still stand next to him. I've had thoughts on giving up but that's not how I roll. Plus they need me on the ship, I help keep things in check. I keep everyone on a schedule, it sounds boring but it's not. The only time I truly was getting tired of everything was when Overload was released and started to kill us. Everyone lost it, we all didn't want to do anything. All of us lost a teammate that day and for Chromdome he lost the most out of all of us. So we leave him alone when he wants to be alone. I also hear that he visits Rung sometimes but that may be a lie but I believe it. Rung is here to help us all out, and Chromedome does need to let out his feelings when you lose someone close like Rewind was to him.

"Y/D?"I turn and see are might leader himself, Rodimus.

"Oh, hello, Rodimus," I give him a look of surprise.

"What are you doing out here? You should be in your berthroom," he gives me a look of confusion and looks to the datapad in my servos. "What are you typing out?"I glance at the datapad and turn it off in a flash.

"It's nothing important," My optics travel from the pad up to his bright blue optics.

"'Nothing important'," He raises an optical brow and smirks at me.

"Yes, nothing important."

"We will see about that," his arm goes for the datapad but I put it behind me. He tries again and this time he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his chassis and in the process, I drop the datapad.

"Rodimus, please let me go," I lay my servos on his chassis as he looks down at me.

"Why would I let you go, your too cute when you act this way."

I look away and hope for someone to come down the hallway to save me from this embarrassing moment.

"Rodimus, I have work to do," I push on his chassis and try to escape his iron grip.

"Not anymore," he shifts me around so he can get over to the datapad and stomp the pad.

"Rodimus! I needed that!"He smiles and lifts me up so my legs wrap around his waist. Now, we stare at each other in the optics and wait for one of us to speak up, which he does.

"You know I have always loved you, just everything about you is beautiful," he smiles and hugs my waist tightly. I feel a blush spread across my cheeks as his words slip off his glossa.

"I have liked you for a while, for your information," my voice comes off shy and nervous but I feel like there is tons of butterflies are flapping their wings in my tanks, as the humans would say.

He shifts his servos just right and gets one on my aft and the other on my head and he moves my head so his mouth is near my audio receptor. "Only like," his voice rumbles my audio receptor. He rubs my aft which makes me gasp out. "That's the sound I love to hear."

"Rodimus, stop," I say dead serious even though my frame and face give a different tone.

"I can't when your frame says it wants more. I just need you to say you love me," the servo on my head moves down my back strut and up it again. The motion makes me lean closer to him.

"I give in, I love you," I whisper my sentence close to his audio receptor and hope that he will put me down, but he does the complete opposite.

"That's what I wanted to hear, but what I want more off is those moans," his voice goes rough and low as he lays both servos on my aft. "I also know how to get it out of you."
He grips my aft with both of his servos and walks down the hall with me around him. With that, the night was full of things we loved, and we showed how much we love each other.


"Ultra Magnus, you wanted to see me."

"I do because I would like to know what happened to this datapad," he lays a scrap pile of what's leftover from the datapad.

"Well, sir, Rodimus made me drop it and he stepped on it," I try and cover up from what happened last night and not embarrass myself.

He gives me his normal look and I know right away he doesn't believe me. "Y/D, you'll have cleaning duty for a week. Final answer."

I sigh and turn to leave, I knew I should have stayed in my room that night.

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