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( Black Diamonds Pearl)


I was in my room in the temple just laying there i was shell shocked about how much had changed, i wasn't gone THAT long , right?

" Why did I choose a lapis out of all of my court, why a lazuli? not that i dont like them but like, why? dosen't matter now, now does it." i mumbled as i returned to my original form im glad that my room dosent exactly have a roof, its just...a galaxy.

a galaxy

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i stood up at my full height and stretched, oh how i have missed being 'me' at full height im abit taller than Blue and Yellow Diamond which i had come to figure out and now am very proud of.

I layed back down and just starred at the endless amount of stars that were above me, i used to love HomeWorld but i guess i was just naive and blinded by the bliss of my position. i had so many friends back then but just by being here right now right here it was worth it all, being a Diamond does have its perks but it has even more downfalls than one may think.


We were having ball to

I was positioned in the middle of all the gems there were gems from Whites court and quite a few from mine but the only gem who had my attention was my dance partner, White Diamond herself we had grown close so close that we were nearly inseperatable but who was going to seperate us?

We danced for hours on end just having a blast and enjoying being by oneanother we loved eachother even though we were so different from eachother that was one thing many gems couldnt register clearly, I gave White a smile and in return she smiled back at me even wider i giggled and she bit her lip accidently stepping on my foot.

I laughed and she blushed before joining in on my laughter " cluts much Whitey? i giggled out while she gave me an unamused look and rolled her eyes at me she said " oh please, i have more grace than any pearl will ever obtain not to mention more than you" i only sighed in defeat knowing she was in fact true and i was in no position to lie and say i had more grace than her oh how that would be childish...

" no way! i have WAY more grace than you White! ask any gem and they would aggree!" i whined out aggitated while she kept her hans positioned on my waist and held my hand tighter while we just swayed, White smirked and i sweatdropped.

"Black pearl? would you be so kind to tell me, in your own opion, if your diamond here has any trace of grace within her being?~" white practically sang out, my pearl smirked at me before saying a smug "oh? my diamond has traces of many things...grace being none of them"

i only narrowed my eyes at my pearl before turning my head back to face White and smiled at her, she raised an eyebrow. i only shook my head and dipped her quickly.


We used to have so much but, good things arent meant to last very long are they. White changed and we became distant, TOO distant she brushed me off and ignored me completely.

she only ever acknowledged me when i messed up or did something a 'Proper Diamond Should Never Do, i miss her so much but i dont miss enough to go back to her and all of homeworld.

She used to be my everything....

I felt something wet run down my face and reached up to wipe it off. "huh? i was crying? but i..." i stopped myself as more tears ran down my cheeks like someone pulled a plug to a bath, i mearely ignored them and continued to lay there in silence as i remembered all the good times i had on HomeWorld but lts just say i was glad when someone knocked on the door to the temple and called my name.

" Y/N? you've been in there all morning, are you alright?" Pearl said and i could hear as the concern dripped from her shaky voice, i sat up and shape shifted back into my lapis form that they were all too familiar with and stood up cleaning my face of any more stray tears and left my room only to come face to face with the other gems minus steven.

" sorry...i suppose i had fallen asleep while reading again" i hated lieing but i knew it was half the truth so it was fine, Pearl nodded convinced while Ame rolled her eyes and Garnet sighed i know Garnet was the hardest to lie to.

it was like she knew i was and therefore i became nervous which practically screams at her that im lying but she has never once confronted me about it, im not complaining im glad she dosent its just im worried if she knows anything abiut me being someone im not saying i am.

"Try not to do it again then Y/N, you had us all worried something happened" Garnet said with a slight smile i returned it and nodded apologizing once again.

"home gurl a nerd now!!??" Ame laughed at what she had said and i joined it knowing she was kinda right, i have grown more into books than people lately.

"just dont do it again, we only just got you back. i dont think i-we could take you leaving again." And with that Garnet left on the warppad with Pearl, i waved at Ame as she left to her room and i only sat on the couch thinking.

"Did garnet say 'I'? nah, most likely my imagination. But, either she's changed or she actually...missed me...our reunion was something special but im certain she would act that way with any long lost gem that decided to make a sudden comeback" I tried to ease my mind but every single word i had said only made it worse.


" I wish that...everything will stay just the way they are, with you by my side for all of eternity"

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