Welcome To Beach City

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Y/N was someone who would always help others before themselves, no matter the shape they were in or what they felt like. You were just that type of person and that made a certain fusion find you rather interesting, Y/N was a lot like Steven but also so much different! Garnet knew you were special and it confused her on how she couldn't see you in her future vision...

---Y/N Pov---

I stepped off of the bus while thanking the driver profusely when i felt like i had showed him enough gratitude i bid my goodbye and hopped off of the bus and started to make my way down the road heading towards the address i had on a slightly ruffled slip of paper mumbling a quiet " what am I even doing?" i had always doubted everything i did, when i came across the house that matched the one i was looking for i approached it.

I stepped off of the bus while thanking the driver profusely when i felt like i had showed him enough gratitude i bid my goodbye and hopped off of the bus and started to make my way down the road heading towards the address i had on a slightly ruf...

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(^^^ ur friends friends house dear reader^^^)

I couldn't help but let slip a small smile this is was an average size house yet it was kinda cute looking in a way, i entered the petite home and went into the kitchen it seems that the house is already furnished so, yay! that's an up for me i suppose. I made my way upstairs exploring the rooms until finding a bedroom that i fancied over the others and once i had done some chatting with the person owning the house i was led to a guest room and laid down onto the bed provided, tired after the whole trip not bothering to change and shower well i had a shower before i left for the trip and i was just not bothered enough to strip and un-strip again, i was tired but couldn't sleep, as per usual.

i pulled the laptop out the one that the owner said i could borrow until tomorrow starting to do some research on the town i was now occupying to get some sort of background most of the searches i did lead me to the these posts, soon enough i found a blog that looked like a child had made it but I' not one to judge. I was soon feeling drowsy at 4am so i turn't the laptop off and layed back down pulling the covers over my form and closing my E/C. What a chill day so far...

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