The Story Never Ends

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[Editor's Note: I hope you have enjoyed our story. As you may have guessed already, this is a write-up of a real Dungeons and Dragons game. What you may not know is that it's a family affair--three generations get together once a week if we can even though we are scattered from Florida to Maryland. As the old saying goes, "The family that slays together, stays together."

The story has progressed so far beyond the last written chapter that I, your humble narrator, have given up even trying to faitfully record our adventures. As of today's date, we have defied death, lost one member (and gotten her back in a new form), won a battle that everybody (especially our gamesmaster) insisted just wasn't possible, dodged the vastly powerful Goldscale Inquistion, dabbled in piracy, intervened in a civil war between merfolk, and found our way into the legendary pirate haven. 

If you enjoyed this romp, please consider reading "Olympus: It's Not Just a Game" (my finished work) and help me work out "Post-Darwinian Evolution" (the most complex writing I have ever attempted, and I've written seven briefs for the US Supreme Court). 

Your votes and comments are always appreciated!]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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