7. When Sizzy meets Alec

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Simon, for your support and also for loving my sister." Alec said with all honesty, "and... I'm sorry Izzy for reacting like that. It's just....-"

"It's okay, big brother," Izzy said softly.

Alec sighed. "Thank you. Now, what was about the bookshop you people mentioned ?"

"Simon went to a mundane bookshop in New York a few days back which had a collection of mythology books. We think there can be something in them which can help your research." Izzy said excitedly.

"How can you be sure about that?" Alec asked confused.

"Because I saw a book which had mention of Cane, his mark and possibilities and theories of him still existing. One of them was becoming a vampire which is actually true, so it can be possible to find whatever you're looking for in your research. Besides, it's not just one book, half of the bookshop is filled with these kinds of books." Simon said enthusiastically.

"Why are these books out in the mundane world!?" Alec questioned.

"Because mundane are curious creatures, big brother!" Izzy shrugged.

"Hey! I was a mundane too if you remember..." Simon tried to speak in a fake hurt tone.

"Oh, come on, Si, You know what I meant." Izzy leaned in to give him an eskimo kiss but when Simon's hand snaked around her waist, she brushed their lips gently, then locked them in a kiss full of passion and love.

Alec cleared his throat, eyes trailing anywhere but at the couple.

"Really, big brother! You and Magnus do the same literally all the time," Izzy said after they broke the kiss.

"You people enjoy the show, but I'm not enjoying watching yours. Can we get back to the point!?"

Izzy opened her mouth to speak something but then changed her mind. "We need to check that bookshop, so we'll be needing a portal to go to New York."

"I'll let Cat know about it. And what do you mean by 'we'?"

"We meant all three of us, we're helping you. And I meant Magnus."

"What!? Magnus!? Seriously Izzy, are you out of your mind!? What are you going to tell him why am I leaving for New York all of a sudden!?"

"I'll handle everything, big brother. And it's not just you who's concerned about him, since the time we're here we haven't met him at all."

Alec shook his head. "Finee! And Izzy, Look I appreciate your help bu-"

"I'm not asking I'm telling!" She said fiercely.

He looked at Simon who just simply shrugged and smiled. Defeated, he took out his phone and messaged Magnus but got no reply. Worried, he called him repeatedly, but the result was the same.

"He's not replying Izzy! Might be busy with his clients. Look, can we please call Cat!? I don't want to take any chances, and you can meet him whenever you want, Miss Head of the Institute!"

Izzy slapped his arms playfully. "Fine big brother!"

"Thank you! I'll inform Cat!" 'and let Magnus know I'll be late again.' he thought. 


Magnus was sitting on the couch, watching his favourite show Project Runway, sipping on the hot coffee, but he wasn't paying attention to the show; his mind was somewhere else entirely.


Magnus was crying uncontrollably, shaking Alec again and again, but he wasn't moving at all. "No! HELP!"

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