Chapter 6: The Date

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Recap: Summer and the group watch a movie. Summer's mom calls up and informs her about her friends wedding coming up soon. Summer gets called to Aunt Heather's office where Heather sets up Summer on a blind date.


Chapter 6: The Date

Finding something to wear is way harder than I thought It'd be. Ever since I said yes to the date with this random guy, Aunt Heather has been constantly nagging at me about what I should wear, how I should sit, what I should eat, what I should talk....

She seems far more interested than I'll ever be about this.

Ellie has also gained some random spark of excitement about the date too. Apparently, I'm way too "boring" and need to "get out more".

Whatever the heck that means.

The date with Jake is tonight. I actually have work today, but Helen being the kind boss she is, agreed to let me off.

Luckily I've been being smart about the amount of money mom put into my card, so according to my calculations, a smart shopper with my money would buy everything I need for a date under 70 dollars, which is fine by me.

Aunt Heather sent me and Ellie on a shopping trip to where she would meet us later after her work is done. Lets just say, after Aunt Heather joined us at the mall, we were back to the resort with eight shopping bags.

And the main outfit wasn't even included in that.

Eight bags of shoes, makeup, and other junk I don't really need is currently piled up in a corner next to my bed.

"Excited for your date?" Ellie asks, her back is turned away from me while she's scrolling through my clothes, trying to find something I should wear for the date after I hopelessly gave up.

Before I can answer, Ellie huffs and turns  to face me, "You need to start buying more fancy stuff."

"Oh really? I'm sure my budget would absolutely love to have a conversation with you about how much I can really afford," I put my hand up to my mouth like I'm whispering to Ellie, "Actually its quite a touchy subject, my budget doesn't really like talking about money with other people."

"Ha-ha," Ellie says robotically, "Maybe you should just go naked since you don't have anything good to wear, I'm sure Jake would love an outfit like that."

"Who?" I question.

"Your date Summer god, I don't know how you can even talk to guys, let alone the son of a high class businessman."

I simply shrug and lie back down on my bed. "What time is it?"

Ellie looks at the clock. "6:00, he's coming at 7:00 so lets hurry up with this come on!"

I groan and get up from my comfy spot on my bed and walk over to my so called "closet". After knit-picking through all my clothes, I lay out a couple I think can pass by as classy.

Ellie takes a moment to observe the articles of clothing on my bed. Her eyes finally light up when  she spots a gown I stole from my mom before leaving. She holds it up and looks at me incredulously.

"How did I not notice this before?!"

I shrug and take it from her. "It's my mom, it was shoved in the corner underneath all the other stuff," I take a moment to look it over. "You think I should wear it?"

"Are you kidding, definitely!"

"Are you sure its not too much?"

"Please if I even had this much I wouldn't even care if it'd be too much." she scoffs. I laugh but don't decide to argue, arguing with Ellie never results in me winning anyways.

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