Chapter 2: Having Benefits

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RECAP: Summer went to Aunt Heather's resort. Met Ellie and Chris. Went to a beach party.


Chapter 2: Having Benefits

 I woke up at 7 am the next morning.

We left the beach party pretty late, but I was always an early riser. My first night at the resort was pretty interesting, maybe Aunt Heather was right, maybe I will like it here.

I pulled out my phone and rested my back against the headboard. I scrolled through my home page of Instagram and liked all the pictures, not bothering to see what they really are. I heard a few taps on the door, but was too lazy to get up. I looked at Ellie to see if she could get it, but she was sound asleep.  I struggled my way out of bed and opened the door.

Aunt Heather looked up to me with a big smile plastered on her face. I return a smile and let her in my room. For a second she stops and sniffs.

“Is that… that alcohol I smell?”


I didn’t even bother to get in the shower.

I took a few steps back and pulled my arms and knees together, hoping that would contain the smell. But I failed. She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

“Alcohol is not allowed at the beach parties, Ellie knows that.” Aunt Heather said. I let out a sigh in my head, I knew I didn’t do anything wrong cause I didn’t know it was alcohol I drank, but I still wouldn’t like Aunt Heather to know about it either.

I felt so stupid, how the hell did I not know it was alcohol? I liked the taste so I kept drinking it, smart move Summer.

“Yeah so um, what brings you here? Not that I mind or anything…..”

Aunt Heather’s eyes snapped to me, as if she just remembered something.

“Oh right! Okay, so I was informed you didn’t get to try out the waiter thing but Helen, your boss, called and said she’d like it if you could stop by this afternoon. I just wanted to talk to you so I came down here myself.”

“Oh okay, yeah sure, I’ll go down with Ellie.” I told her.

“Great!” she took a few steps around and observed my room. She walked over to Elli, who was still sound asleep, and sniffed her.

Crap crap crap.

Aunt Heather stopped sniffing and gave a puzzled look. Then that same expression, like a realization expression, came over her.

Her eyes met mine, and I could tell she was trying to read my face.

“Summer…..Elli doesn’t smell like alcohol…..” she said slowly, as if I were a kindergartner.

“Oh… that so…?” I said, looking down at my feet.

Aunt Heather stepped away from Ellie and started walking towards me. I gulped and kept staring at my feet.

She stopped, a couple feet away from where I was standing, and took in a big sniff.

“Summer…did you drink alcohol at the party last night?”

“No! I mean yes, but my drink was spiked or something, I swear!” I said with a panicked voice.

Aunt Heather’s tight expression relieved. “Oh okay good! For a second I thought you drink or did drugs or something!”

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