Chapter 1: Getting Started

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Chapter 1: Getting Started

"You are going to have so much fun Summer," my mom said.

"Please, Aunt Heather hates me," I told her.

"Are you kidding? She loves you!"

Yeah, I'm sure she still loved me even after I accidentally killed her only pet hamster.

Mom's dropping me off at Aunt Heather's resort for the entire summer. May I repeat, the entire summer.

Aunt Heather had a job opening at the restaurant there, and mom thought it would be a great opportunity for me to join. No matter how many times I tried to talk her out of it, she didn't care to listen.

That's the thing about her, once she's got her mind set on something, that's it. No changing her mind.

The resort is in Malibu, California, far away from where I lived, Miami, Florida. I'll be staying in one of the hotel rooms there, along with another girl who works at the restaurant. The job hours and description were still to come.

Once Mom saw the help wanted ad, she called Aunt Heather right away to confirm without even telling me. At first I was pissed, but then I was too tired to be pissed and just agreed to go along with it.

I rolled my window down and let Malibu's sea breezy air attack me, while taking in the smell of salt water. I let my arm dangle from the window and looked around the area. Malibu is known for their beaches, so finding a place to surf should be no problem at all. In fact, surfing was the only reason I agreed to come here.

Surfing and swimming was my life, I've been training since I was 7, and have been a pro since then. I've entered in many swimming competitions, and have won them all; I'm undefeated as of year 12. I'm 16 now; turning 17 in July, and will still remain undefeated.

Mom pulled up in the parking lot of Aunt Heather's resort. I gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn good place. In the front entrance was a large sign saying, Welcome to Perfect Paradise. There was one large building in the front, hotels on the left side, and activities on the right.

I got out of the car, walked to the back, and popped the trunk open. Mom helped me get my suitcases, and we both walked up the cobblestone path to the main building. I opened the glass doors and walked up to the front desk, where a middle-aged woman was typing on her keyboard.

She was wearing a black pencil skirt with a white blouse underneath her grey blazer. Her dark hair was pulled back tightly into a bun, no hair out of place.

 A plain, hard expression was plastered across her face, and she looks like she's concentrating hard on something.

As I got closer, the faint sound of keyboard clicks got louder. Her name tag read Claire Evans. I tapped on the desk to get her attention. She looked away from her computer and at me, a disturbing aura coming off her.


"Oh um hi, I'm Heather Shale's niece, I'm going to be staying here in the resort now-"

"And?" she said, cutting me off.

My mother gently pushed me aside and started talking to Claire.

"Excuse me, but I would really appreciate it if you talk to my daughter in a respectful manner." My mother snapped.

I mentally slapped myself in the forehead. Mom has a tendency to turn on her 'you’re a bitch and need to stop talking like that' mode whenever someone talks rudely to me or her.

Claire blinked and scowled.

"Whatever. What can I help you with?" she said distastefully.

"We would like to meet Heather, she said to come talk to her when we arrive," my mother replied.

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