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"As you can see, we are short a member.." Namjoon started off into the mic. He took a deep breath looking around. "On March ninth, Yoongi Hyung,took his own life. I know that's over a week ago, but we needed to get ourselves together before we came out to say what happened."

The others stood by Namjoon's side making sure to be there. "Yoongi Hyung,made such a difference in our lives, made every single one of us thankful and happy for the life we were given. If we could, we'd go back and make sure he was okay. He was an amazing person.. and.. well partner." He let out a shaky sigh.

" I might be jumping around right now, but I want to start say something. Mental health is not a joke, Hyung told us all that we need to be the voice for those who cannot speak. Please If you are suffering or if you know someone is suffering. I beg you please reach out for help, do it for us.., and do it for Yoongi.." he paused unfolding the note the male had left for the fans.

" he directly wrote a note to you all, I can't bare myself to read it right now.. but Hoseok Hyung is going to read it.." he said as he then moved out of the way getting a hug from Hoseok.

As Hoseok read the note, he looked around seeing everyone shocked, most in tears but mainly shocked. After it was read he folded it back up. "I'm just going to say Yoongi Hyung.. went through so much.. this sounds terrible, which it's absolutely terrible." He paused running his fingers through his hair. "It's hard to say, but, Yoongi tried to kill himself before but .. we were able to get there soon enough to stop him. We were too late.. this time.. I do miss him, we all do. Just please, if you're struggling pl-please get help, there is so much people who love you. We, love you." He sadly smiled.

"I want everyone to remember Yoongi, as a kind man who never put himself first. Remember him as a talented man who didn't really care about the fame. Let's be there for each other and make sure we're all okay. Min Yoongi will never be forgotten." The rest of the members hugged Hoseok tightly.

They looked at each other for a moment and sadly nodded. The leader went back to the mic to break the news. "It might be pretty clear, since of Yoongi's passing. BTS isn't BTS without him. So.. us Bangtan, are going to disband. But that doesn't mean we won't stick with each other. Trust me, we aren't leaving anyone's side. These years with you all were beautiful, thank you so much." He smiled as Taehyung grabbed his hand mouthing 'may I say something?' Of Namjoon agreed getting out of the way.

"I want to start this off well, to bash cyber bullying. Yes Hyung was a grown man but that doesn't give a right for anyone to tell him to kill himself, we lost someone extremely important to us. He put smiles on our faces everyday. Let me be honest to you, Yoongi came to me one day, he was crying really bad. He felt that he'd made a mistake, the cyber bullying messed with him so bad that he was having nightmares that we were going to change and hate him. The poor man was so scared he ran away from who hurt him in that nightmare. It was actually one of us who was in the terrible dream. I'm not saying who because the two of them were very very close and it'll be hard mentioning that moment. We all wish we could've stopped him, we wish we made sure he went to bed that we stopped him. Everyday that goes by, we keep thinking it's our fault.. which.. we know it's not but we have this guilt. I, Kim Taehyung promised to make sure he was happy and to make sure he was mentally doing okay which I had failed.. we all have the guilt.. w-we know.."

At this point Taehyung was crying, he couldn't hold it in any longer. "I-I'm sorry.." he choked as Hoseok brought him into his arms. Jungkook stepped up holding onto Jimin making sure he was alright. "Yoongi.. he left so sudden, J-Jimin.. h-he blames himself that it's his fault that.. that he was too late but, we all know we couldn't have done anything about it since it seemed like it was already too late from the beginning. Hyung loved all of his, so dearly.. he left us each with something to remember him.." he pulled his sleeve down a bit. "Hyung.. well he got these bracelets.. there is a small note that reads 'I love you' handwritten. There is no doubt in our mind that Yoongi was suffering tremendously. Just.." he paused hugging Jimin. 

"Just reach out for help.. please.." "we.. we also know that Yoongi died on his birthdate.. if we are going to be honest. Min Yoongi was going to have the best birthday, we planned on spending every second with him. Make him feel like he was wanted, which we wished we did it everyday, because he deserved to feel loved and comforted. Yoongi's life ended on a bad term." Jimin said weakly. "I'm going to miss him , we all are.." he sighed holding onto Jungkook's hand.

Seokjin finally got a turn to speak. "It's hard, watching someone you love go.. especially in that way. I don't even know if I'm allowed to say this but, you know I break rules.." he said as he then sadly chuckled. "Yoongi, well he was our lover, a poly relationship is what it was, we all love him, we're never going to forget our precious baby. I remember this, I never want to forget it either. It was about three .. four months ago? Yoongi and I went out to the park, it was so pretty outside, but it wasn't as pretty as he was. Yoongi's beautiful smile, his eyes shimmered so softly." He smiled to himself "he was just so excited to be outside and spending time with me, h-him and I.. we.. we kissed in front of the sunset. Yoongi was a smiling mess after.. h-he looked so adorable.." he choked as tears started to fall. "I may be rambling b-but.. Yoongi really made a difference in our lives.. I-I'm going to miss spoiling him w-with kisses every morning.." Namjoon went to hold him loosely.

"Y-Yoongi's sweet giggles when he was enjoying the attention he got.. especially the time we had given him a little break..but that was over a few weeks ago.." he paused as Namjoon tightened his arms around him.

"but please, if you are struggling.. please reach out for help.. j-just as the others said, I love you all so very much.. a-and I know Yoongi did too.." he said weakly. "Thank You for everything.." he smiled as everyone then lined up grabbing each other's hands and bowed, as they said the words. "We were.. BTS!"


That was the end.. idk how well I ended it but it definitely wasn't a happy ending..
thank you so much for the reads and support.

Writing this was kind of hard, I've cried writing some of this but please as said. If you're struggling reach out for help. I love you guys sfm ♡

Take care of yourselves ♥

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