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Everyone smiled giving Yoongi several welcomes and I love you's

"ok yoonie baby.. please eat.." jungkook hummed softly rubbing his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi nodded softly picking up the spoon stirring the liquid before eating some of it.

His eyes lit up loving the familiar taste of his hyung's food. Yoongi ate every last drop of the soup by force. All he wanted to do was make the others happy.

Seokjin looked at the younger male placing a kiss on the top of his forehead. "how was it love..?" He asked cupping his hand on Yoongi's cheek rubbing it softly.

Yoongi forced a smile hoping Seokjin wouldn't bother him about it. The eldest picked up the tray off the younger's lap before taking it into the kitchen.

Yoongi crouched over his knees holding onto his stomach tightly. Regretting that he forced himself.

"gigi.. are you ok..?" Hoseok asked him as he knelt down in front of him. "e-excuse me.." he mumbled before rushing to the closest bathroom.

Nobody knew what to do, only Taehyung ran after him seeing that he was puking up the recently eat food.

The vocalist knelt down next to yoongi running soothing circles around his shoulders. After a while yoongi wiped his mouth and threw himself in Taehyung's arms whimpering apologizes.

"Don't worry hyung.. it's ok.." he hummed holding him close then seeing Jimin come into the bathroom. "Hyung..w-why are you doing this t-to yourself.. I-I know you might not answer this immediately.. b-but a-are you.. trying to kill youself..?"

Everyone else was crowded around the door waiting patiently for the answer. Yoongi moved himself to where he was sitting on his legs hanging his head as he let his messy hair fall.

He nodded hesitatingly and let out a broken sob. "I-I'm sorry.."

Ok I was crying just like 20 mins ago bc I just got sm attention from one person :<
Yeah I don't wanna change everything so I'm trying to keep things sort of the same.

smile • m.yg : bts [✔]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum