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His body grew weak the last things he heard was a call for him then a scream "goodbye.."
"guys I have a very bad feeling that we shouldn't have left Yoongi home by himself.." Jimin announces as he rubbed his arm. "I definitely second that.." Jungkook mumbled tapping his foot against the car floor "we are heading back now I'm sure we all have a bad feeling.. " Seokjin spoke with the worry choking him.

"what if he did something.. to himself..." Taehyung cried out causing Jimin and Hoseok to gasp covering their mouths. "h-hurry we could be loosing him..!" The the third oldest yelled. " I'm trying Hobi.." Jin spoke gripping the steering wheel.

As soon as they got back to the dorm Jungkook jumped out and ran to the door. He was panicking so much he struggled opening the door but he got in either way. "yoongi!" He called looking around "yoongi!!" he got nothing, Jungkook then walked to the most dreaded place he could go to, the bathroom. He opened the door finding the bleeding male lying on the floor pale and unresponsive.

"Yoongi!!" Jungkook screamed dropping down to the floor causing the others to run in. The eldest's heart broke triggering him to start sobbing. Taehyung grabbed bandages from the cabinet and a dampened towel quickly kneeling down and started to clean his arm to wrap it up. Jungkook checked for a pulse sighing in relief when he found one. "Someone call an ambulance..!" Jungkook hollered picking up the limp body in his arms.

"Baby wake up... p-please..wake up.." the youngest choked tangling his fingers through Yoongi's messy hair. "I-I know you can..!" He cried holding him close as he could. "There's help on the way right now.." Hoseok spoke as Taehyung spoke an ok as a way to say he was done.

Jungkook picked up the male making it to where the pale boys head rested on his shoulder. "I've got you baby.. don't worry.." jungkook mumbled holding him close.

Sometime passed but it felt like hours and it seemed like Yoongi wasn't waking up soon. An ambulance showed up so Jungkook rushed out with the male in his arms as Namjoon followed.

"Jungkook and I are going to go with in the ambulance, you guys meet me there.." the leader mumbled as the paramedics strapped yoongi on the stretcher being lifted up into the back. "you guys drive safe..." he mumbled to the other four members climbing into the back with Jungkook.

The paramedics hooked yoongi up with a breathing mask as Jungkook held the boys hand. "Y-You're going t-to be ok.. " he choked out.

Namjoon placed a hand on Yoongi's stomach rubbing it smoothly  "come on pumpkin.. we need you back with us.. I need you back pumpkin... y-you mean a lot to u-us a-and so much to me.." the tall male broke down still rubbing the pale boys stomach.

The male finally woke up looking around in confusion before his eyes widened when he felt the two hands on him. He looked at jungkook "who are you..?"  the two males stared shocked. "no.."
This is so omG.. fuck please don't kill me :<

smile • m.yg : bts [✔]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora