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"who are you..?"  the two males stared shocked. "no.."
Jungkook stumbled back against the seat that was behind him. "j-joonie..?" He mumbled "hey pumpkin.. w-we are h-here for you.. " he mumbled brushing Yoongi's hair with his finger. "Everything is going to be ok, the other members will be at the hospital," "what's happening.. w-where am I..? Joonie what's happening..?" Yoongi cried as the heart monitor he was hooked up to sped up.

"I'm sorry sir but I'm going to need to put him back to sleep.. it's the only way that's going to keep him stable from all the blood loss.. which explains the memory loss.." one of the paramedics said as he placed a different mask on Yoongi causing him to fall asleep, which was then replaced with the original oxygen mask.

"he's going to be ok..." the man assured the two. Namjoon sighed before he continued to rub the small males stomach, it was the only thing that soothed the male. "I hope so.. I-I don't think any of us will b-be the same without him.." the leader mumbled with a shaky breath. "he's just been their for us.. we need him to stay with us.., I know for a fact each of us will fall apart.."

Jungkook stood up before placing a kiss on Yoongi's forehead. "I know you can get through this baby..." he mumbled softly to the unconscious male.
"wait.. you're t-telling me that he's not going to remember anything..?!" Jimin exclaimed as he was sobbing, being held back by a crying Taehyung. "n-no please tell me you're joking..!" Hoseok mumbled pacing back and forth.

"We aren't for certain.. he lost a lot of blood, which does cause memory loss.., paramedics had to put him to sleep to calm his heart since it was going to fast for his body to handle..." the doctor spoke to the six members who were sitting outside the room.

Namjoon was inside sitting on the empty space next to Yoongi, "pumpkin, I miss you.. I miss your smile.. I miss hanging out with you, I miss teasing you about your height... I miss you bug.. you're so important we need you.. I need you.. Jungkook needs you, we love you and we really want our Yoongi back..." he mumbled brushing Yoongi's hair.

"we need you back hyung... why didn't you tell us what's wrong.. did we mess up..? do you not trust us..? I'm sure we can change.. I don't want you to not trust us.. I want you to trust us.. we are here for you pumpkin.. you've brought us so much joy... please come back we really need you.. I need you pumpkin.. "

Namjoon was bawling his eyes out trying to refrain himself from sobbing he buried his head into Yoongi's neck. "c-c-come back.." the leader wasn't even able to hold them in anymore, he sobbed quietly pushing his hands behind Yoongi's head and brought him closer to him.

"We just need you back hyung.. I don't even care if you're grumpy from us waking you, I just want the yoongi who always accepted his hand being held." Namjoon chuckled to himself. "I miss you so much pumpkin.. you don't even realize.."

"we could've stopped this from happening.. t-this is my fault... " Seokjin huffed banging his head against the wall quickly being stopped by Jungkook and Hoseok who sat him down. "This is nobody's fault.. we might blame ourselves but we can't.. all we have to do now is stay for Yoongi.." Taehyung spoke holding jimin close to his chest.

"Yeah.. I just want him to be ok, I don't even understand how we'd be able to live without that boy.. he's done so much for us.. we need to help him.." the eldest spoke leaning against the wall.

"Hyung is right.. we need to help Yoongi hyung as much as possible.. he's struggling..." the second youngest spoke up caressing Jimin's back.

"guys.. " Namjoon hummed "he's awake.." the leader mumbled softly.
Two updates in a night :>

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