Chapter 22

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Previously on Mrs Mikaelson

Two heart beats.

"I- .. I dont understand... how can this be?"

"Once he triggered his werewolf side, he triggered his human side. Meaning... he can give life."

This is is something Niklaus and I have been wanting for a century, seeing doctors, witches, no one could help us.

Then eventually, we gave up.

Of course I could've had a child with another man, that never appealed to me. That child would never have his beautiful blonde curls, his big blue eyes, his charm and wit. And all he has to offer.

Two beautiful children inside me! The thought brought a smile to my face.


Sophie and Elijah are at the cemetery. Sophie opens the squeaking gate and enters the cemetery. Elijah stops in front of the entry. Sophie turns around.

"This is sacred ground, which means vampires have to be invited in. But, since I'm desperate... Come on in. " Elijah is able to enter the cemetery now.

"We can talk freely here."

"Then I suggest you start talking. What did your sister want with Niklaus and Klara?"

"Isn't it obvious? We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back. We haven't had much luck, until my sister Jane-Anne met a women, half witch half Vampire who also happens to be your brothers Wife, passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia. She was and is in a ... predicament."

"What kind of predicament?"

"Apparently, the couple had some fun together in Virginia. One thing obviously led to another and now this special Witch Vamp - she's pregnant. And the father of the child she's carrying is her Husband's, Klaus."

Elijah was beyond shocked.

"That's impossible." He states.

"Nothing is impossible, especially not when it comes to your family. Think about it - they call them the hybrid's right? (She raises her voice and turns her head) Bring her out!"

Three witches come out, standing in formation around Klara, keeping their distance, trying not to be too close to her.

"Finally, someone I know."

"Give us a moment, please." Elijah smiles.


"I don't know how this can happen." Elijah seems utterly confused.

"I do. I've always been able to procreate but... I've never wanted to have a child with anyone else, it wouldn't feel right. And Klaus has broken his curse, he's connected to his werewolf side... it doesnt seem that hard to understand."

Elijah smiles, admiration swirling around in his eyes.

"You did it again."

"Did what?"

He sighs before answering, "You always outsmart me, without trying." He breathes out a chuckle.

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes.

"So who's gonna break the news to him?" Elijah asks.

"Not it." She touches her nose, quickly.

"You're a fool." Elijah shakes his head, trying to contain his laugh.

A/n guess who's back

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