Chapter 15

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Klara ♡

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My eyes locked onto the one person I've been trying to avoid most.


Shes not my mother, of course. But hs might as well been, she was like a mother to me in many ways.

A mentor, a teacher.

I wanted to be just like her and now I want nothing to do with her.

Elijah announced a waltz, she never wanted one to know she was associated with the Mikaelsons, she wanted an upper hand.

The sound of an old Ed Sheeran song rang through the speakers and she felt her heart being ripped and stampt on at the sight of Klaus asking Caroline for a dance.

She focused back onto the familiar song. Music, to her, was like turning back the clock, traveling and returning to a previous life full of agony and lose. She embraced the music and in turn the music took control. She found herself in a different world. A world of pain. 

Her movements flowed with a dazzling grace that took away the breath of every person in her audience. She could feel her soul become one with the music and she unleashed her emotions into her dance. She needed this as badly as she needed to breath. 

Her entire being moved with a purposeful clarity. She had nothing to be embarrassed about. She looked magnificently beautiful dancing by herself.

But no one saw the tears she let roll down her round cheeks.

She felt arms around her, opening her eyes she comes face to face with Kol.

"Why is that little coward dancing with that blonde wench?"

Klara laughed at his bluntness.

"Oh Kol, I've missed you." 

"Looks like I'm gonna have to leave you again.." he spins her into the arms of Klaus.

"Ew." Is the first thing to leave her mouth.

He rolls his eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a Mikaelsom arent I? They're my family just as much as they are yours."

"You're right. I'm sorry." Hed grown accustomed to saying that sentence jis whole life, it was easier than being forced to sleep in a guest room.

"I'm sorry for bringing Caroline. I compelled her to pretend to like me for one night." He admits.

She tried not to but the sentence made her laugh.

"You- you had to compel someone to like you, that's so sad." She laughs again.

He rolls his eyes annoyed at her but he couldn't stay mad after hearing the laugh hed only been able to omagine for so long.

"So are we okay?"

"Hell no, you think I've got time for your Bi polar ass? Make up your mind, Klaus." She presses a light kiss on his cheek and spins away from the dance floor.

He watches as she leaves, longing for her back to be in his arms.

"Wow I'm so in love with you."

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