The One Where I Bit Someone

Start from the beginning

Scott shrugged at the shirt I tossed him, I had Stiles' hoodie, while Isaac frowned at the shoe in his hand, "How come I get his shoe, though?"

"You should be grateful for what you got, Isaac." Our heads turned towards the door and I had the sudden urge to roll my eyes. So now she shows up after the shit hit the fan. Ramona approached us while scanning the locker room with interest, "Feet have 250,000 sweat glands that are capable of producing half a pint of sweat. And trust me, feet always sweat. You'll find him in no time."

Scott's the only one in the room who hasn't met Ramona yet. He looked from her to us in bewilderment, "Who's this?"

And cue another introduction that will leave someone incapable of speaking for an hour. I sighed and made the announcement, "Scott, this is Ramona. Ramona, this is Scott. Scott, Ramona's my... sister. Ramona, Scott is my best friend. Is everyone well acquainted now, or should we go over our signs and hobbies too?"

Everyone backed up and I took it as a sign to start our search for Stiles. For good measure, I threw Ramona one of my brother's socks to pick up a scent. She quirked a brow and I grinned innocently. What did she say? Feet always sweat? Good. She'll be picking up a scent in no time.

I pressed Stiles' hoodie to my nose and took a deep breath, but all I could smell was Derek. And it wasn't coming from the hoodie.

I turned on my heel and the others followed. My face lit up when I saw him standing at the door, immediately thinking about running to him and tell him all about Stiles and how he's missing and how we needed to find him. But when I saw the look on his face and how tense his shoulders were, I realized that this wasn't the right time or place to run to him for comfort.

Oh, and Peter was also here. How did I know that? Well, 'ego' and 'psychopath' had a very distinctive scent.

I pushed Ramona down an aisle of lockers, not wanting that nutcase to see her. Why I was protective over her was beyond me. But I'd rather not give Peter the satisfaction of getting a chance to meet her after he already took an interest in the idea of her.

"We need to talk," Derek stated.

"We all do." Peter stepped out of the shadows and flashed everyone a charming smile.

Drama wolf.

Scott's face dropped and all he could do was stare at the man we thought were dead, "Holy sh-" He blinked. And then the realization flashed on his face, "What the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station." Derek shot right back at him. I frowned, wondering what that was supposed to mean. Derek's jaw clenched, "That's right, Scott's been helping Gerard a hell of a lot lately; telling him what we found out, leading him to Jackson and Matt, should I go on?"

I noticed Ramona inching closer to me and I sent her a sharp look that made her freeze in her tracks.

"Okay, hold on." Scott defended himself, "He - he threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

I shrugged, thinking that he had a point. I would also do anything to protect my dad if someone threatened him. While I was considering Scott's point, Ramona ignored my glare from earlier and joined the group.

"I'm gonna go with Scott on this one." Peter nodded in agreement, "Have you seen his mom? She's..." He trailed off when his eyes caught a glimpse of Ramona, "... gorgeous." He blinked and the little light in his eyes irritated me. Peter cleared his throat and plastered on his signature smirk, "Hi. You must be Riley's sister, but she never told me you're this hot. I asked, though -"

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