Finding Lydia

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It was yet another normal, boring day of school - well, at least for the normal students that shuffled past us. Stiles and I have been discussing the grave robbery nonstop since it happened last night. According to the officers who examined the scene, the grave was roughly dug open and a hole was broken right through the wood of the coffin. The weird part? The robber didn’t take anything off the body, no jewels, nothing. Well, nothing except the liver.

“Dude, she ate the liver?” Scott frowned after Stiles filled him in on everything. We were almost certain that it was Lydia. No human is strong enough to break a hole through wood that thick, and no human would take a dead person’s liver.

“No, I didn't say she ate it. I just said it was missing." Stiles corrected him when we walked through the doors of the school, “And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body."

“Scott never ate anyone’s liver.” I pointed out while avoiding bumping into students, “And you’re not helping at all. Now I’m worried about running through around naked and stealing dead people’s liver as well.”

“Just think of yourself as one of those lucky packet things.” My brother shrugged and threw a very casual arm over my shoulders, “Whatever you get will be a surprise.”

“You know I hate surprises!” I whined, “This is serious, Stiles. So far, Lydia hasn’t killed anyone yet while I’m still wondering if I will. And I can’t even compare my transformation with Scott’s because we were absolutely sure he’s a werewolf.”

Stiles paused in the middle of the hallway, causing the students at the back to bump into us. I sent them apologetic smiles before my brother spoke up, “Actually, wait, hold on. Scott’s the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened to him."

Scott nearly cowered under the expecting look my brother sent him, “What do you mean?”

“Like what was going through your mind when you were turning?” I clarified what Stiles was getting at, “What were you drawn to?”

A goofy grin spread over our friend’s face as his eyes got this twinkly look in them, “Allison.”

“Seriously?” I deadpanned, “That’s what you were thinking about every time you grew claws and fangs?” Clearly, that method wouldn’t work on me because every time I think about Derek, I just want to jump him and rip his clothes off. Hopefully, that was a side-effect that would wear of soon.

“Nothing else mattered,” Scott stated. He turned to my brother, “But that's good, though, right? 'Cause the night that Lydia was bitten, she was with you."

Stiles’ jaw clenched, “Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson.”

It was like saying his name summoned him. The doors of the school opened and in marched the asshole himself. I scoffed at the obnoxious air around him and how he wore his designer shades even while indoors. Was it just me, or was he acting even more ‘Jackson-ish’ than usual? That smirk seemed all too jubilant for my taste.

“I’m gonna go.” I hissed under my breath, “The mere sight of him makes me want to eat a wolfsbane salad. See you two at lunch.”

I tried disappearing around a corner before the jackass could see me but failed. Jackson lifted his shades when he spotted me and sent me a shit-eating grin. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? I dodged past students to put some distance between the two of us, but out of the corner of my eye, I caught him following me. Students literally moved out of the way for him like he was some royal duke or something, or walking on a red carpet. I made the mistake to look back and at that moment, some idiot bumped into me. I managed to catch myself before I could fall, but a pair of hands on my waist lifted me into the air and before I knew, I was put down in an empty classroom.

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