Pool Party

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"Getting anything?"

I blinked once, twice, repeatedly, but my vision remained the same. Scott nudged me in the side and I swatted his hand away, "Could you not? I'm trying, just shut up and let me concentrate."

He held his hands up in defence and left me to focus. I sucked in a deep breath and screwed my eyes shut. The students strolled by without paying us any attention, and their shuffling footsteps vibrated across my skin. I imagined them glowing, imagined the colours pulsing with their heartbeats - orange, yellow, green and blue...

Another breath.

Then I opened my eyes.

A breathless laugh escaped my mouth when every student was engulfed by a colour that glowed even brighter than the lights in the ceiling. I turned to Scott and beamed, "I did it! I can see the glowing."

His eyes widened in astonishment as he gaped at me, "That's great! What... what colour am I?"

"Something between orange and yellow." I couldn't stop smiling and bit back an excited squeal, "I can control!"

I can control it. Even if I could only control the glowing, it was progressing. At the start, it seemed to only pop up when I expected it the least. But if I could channel it as I did now, the possibilities could be endless. However, I had my doubts about the transparency thing. I swear if I could walk through walls...

My brow arched when two guys passed us while glancing at me over their shoulders, winked and waved, before continuing on their way. That was the third time that happened today. Lydia was right about everything and especially about the hair. I remembered how sceptic I was of the whole ash-brown ombre idea. The only time I ever set foot in a salon was when I needed to trim my tips and to sometimes get my hair layered. Even Dad almost had a heart attack this morning when he didn't recognize me descending the stairs. He thought I was a friend that stayed over or a girl Stiles miraculously managed to ask out.

And speaking of Stiles, he came jogging towards us and dropped down on the steps next to Scott, "I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you. I love you more than -" He shook his head and shivered, "Oh my gosh, I can't. You and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate."

This has been going on for about ten minutes now. Since Gerard was our new principal, Scott and Allison couldn't even meet up in secret anymore. Their moves were monitored and they had to fall back to Plan B: promoting Stiles from best friend to messenger. I briefly noticed he was glowing dark yellow with tinges of brown.

"Come on, you're the only one that we can trust." Scott pointed out the obvious.

"I just don't get why you can't send Riley instead of me," Stiles grumbled.

"Because Riley has to practise seeing glowing people." I replied to his comment with a hint of sarcasm, "And Riley can't do that if she's running between two people and risk her new hair from frizzing up."

"Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked, referring to Allison.

"Yes! Okay, message complete." Stiles sighed in exaggeration, "Now, tell me about your boss?"

Scott's eyes darted around at the students passing us, before leaning in. Like loyal sidekicks, we huddled closer to him and almost pressed our heads together. This probably didn't look suspicious at all. Scott's voice was low when he spoke, "He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book."

Dr Deaton had a chat with Scott about the lizard thing that killed people. Apparently, the Argents dropped one of their hunters off at the vet, dead. His chest was slashed open but the thing that piqued Deaton's interest was a small cut on the back of the hunter's neck. It was precise and he claimed that the creature had the ability to paralyze its victims with a toxin in its claws. That would explain why Stiles was paralyzed when it showed up at the garage and killed the mechanic. However, when Scott asked Deaton if he knew anything about the creature, he couldn't give him more information. Instead, he told Scott that Gerard probably had a book or something that contained records of every supernatural being they've ever encountered.

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