Untouchable - Part 1

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I was tempted to throw a party, or start a flashmob in the halls of the school, or vandalize a building even. I survived my first full moon! No one got hurt, the hunters didn't get me, and the worst I did was consume two full buckets of ice cream when I got home - including the three boxes of pop tarts in the fridge and an entire gallon of milk. Like all the full moon did to me was make me extremely hungry.

However, I knew I shouldn't be taking this so lightly. We got lucky last night. It was a miracle no one got hurt. What I saw in the mirror - my reflection with the purple eyes, the fangs, the markings... it was like something out of a horror movie. I didn't exactly look hideous, but I certainly didn't look like a werewolf. And when I asked Derek for the millionth time what I was, if he ever saw anything like it - er, me, he only shook his head in complete silence. His eyes were a raging storm of questions and insecurities. The worst part? Through our link, I could feel how utterly confused he was. And that worried me. If Derek, who has been a werewolf since birth, who's supposed to know more about this world than anyone, who's mastered everything about being a werewolf, didn't know what I was... how in the hell was he supposed to train me? I might not be so lucky on the next full moon.

Derek had to take Isaac to his new 'lair', which left me to catch a ride home with my brother. At first, I couldn't shift back. I kept my fanged mouth clamped shut all the way home while I had to deal with Stiles glimpsing at me in worry every few seconds. That was by far the worst part of the whole night; feeling how afraid my brother was of me. We didn't talk about it after stumbling through the door of the house. He went up to his room and I went up to mine. We closed the doors and I had to figure out how to shift back all on my own. In the end, I managed to do so after using a breathing technique I learned at that first aid course that was supposed to keep the patient calm.

"How are you feeling today?" It was the first time Stiles spoke to me since the previous night. We were waiting our turn for the climbing wall in P.E, and typically the two of us were paired up. He pursed his lips uneasily, "No glowing people or... heat signatures?"

I was surprised to even hear him talking to me and first thought he was speaking to someone behind me. After getting over the surprise, I swallowed and shook my head, "Nothing. I can see you perfectly clearly. Still just as much 'idiot' painted on your face as always."

"Alright, I can see you're fine. Obviously." He muttered bluntly at my sarcasm.

My mouth corners twitched up. Three... Two... One...

"But what do you think it means?" And cue the curious, analytical Stiles. "I mean, the glowing - you said some people glow blue, and orange, and yellow. Like, basically, any colour? But they can also change colour, so no one's bound to a specific colour? Maybe it's linked with their emotions. Like when Isaac turned from blue to orange, as you said. Scared to calm, or something. And the heat signature thing? Scott can't do that. Which is awesome by the way because that means you can probably see through walls -" He paused and realization flashed across his face. "You can see through walls... oh crap, did you see me taking a shower this morning?!"

"Oh my gosh, Stiles, don't go there." I slammed my hands over my eyes, "One, if I knew what the glowing meant, you'd be the first to know. Two, I don't know if I can see through walls. And three, if I could see through walls and happened to catch you in the shower, I'd instantaneously look away because I value my innocence."

He shut his mouth after that and we watched in silence as Scott and Allison were reaching the top of the climbing wall. I groaned, "Can't believe I'm doing this. I hate P.E."

"Why?" Stiles looked at me incredulously, "This is the fun part of P.E. You should've been at dodgeball last week. One word: brutal."

My eyes darted to the sides and caught a few guys averting their gazes from me. Some even continued watching and sent me suggestive winks. I scoffed, "Maybe because these shorts and extremely tight and there are at least five hormonal guys in here with only one thing on their mind. I can smell it."

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