Arrested by a Teenager Who Needs Anger Management

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Derek’s scent took us straight to the Hale House. I was running ahead, forgetting that Deaton couldn’t run as fast. All that was running through my mind was to find my mate because judging by my numb arms and legs, something has definitely happened to him.

I nearly threw the door off its hinges and rushed in, running straight down the hallway towards a large room in the back. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Derek lying on the plank floor next to a hole in the wood, passed out. His heart was beating slower than was normal, but at least he was alive.

“Derek?” I dropped down beside him and rolled him over, “Derek, can you hear me? Come on, wake up!”

“Wait, Riley.” Deaton’s voice sounded at my back when he finally caught up, “I got this.”

Before I could even wonder what he was planning, an agonizing ring burst through my ears. I clamped my hands over my ears and screwed my eyes shut. The sound penetrated every sense I had and it felt like my brain would explode. But somehow the shrill noise managed to get through to Derek when he shot up with wide eyes and heavy breaths.

“That sound…” He stuttered, “What was it?”

Deaton smirked a bit and held up a small, silver object. I deadpanned when realizing that he rendered us helpless with a freaking dog whistle. Maybe I should consider getting one for when Derek’s annoying in the future.

“Okay, time to get up.” I gently grabbed Derek’s hands and pulled him up. He staggered backwards and I had to hold him up to avoid him falling and maybe hitting his head harder this time, “Are you alright? What happened?”

He was exhausted and it clearly showed in his eyes. First, he looked at the hole in the wooden floor and then at me, “Lydia… she used me to resurrect Peter.” He gasped in shock, “It actually happened.”

My heart sank to my stomach and I nearly dropped him in shock, “She did what?!” He flinched at the sharp tone in my voice and gulped, “Sorry, I’ll talk softer. She did what? How? And where’s Peter now?”

Derek grunted but shook his head in defeat, “I don’t know.” He turned his attention to Deaton and frowned, “What are you doing here?”

The vet smiled calmly but I noticed how it didn’t reach his eyes. Something told me that Deaton knew a lot more about what was going on than I gave him credit for. “When she felt that something was off, Riley called me and followed your scent here. I came because she asked nicely, and because helping your family actually used to be a pretty important part of my life. Helping you was a promise I made to your mother.”

Realization flashed across Derek’s face, “You're the one my sister talked about. She said you're a… kind of adviser?”

I kept my mouth shut and witnessed the conversation between the alpha and the vet. It’s ironic how I always looked at Deaton and thought that he could be so much more than a vet despite his gentle character and love for animals. Never would I have thought that he would be a vet for the supernatural as well as an adviser for them. Even less did I ever thought that he could be connected with the Hales. I kept learning something new every day.

“She was right.” Deaton replied gravely, “And I have some advice that you need to listen to very closely right now. What Peter managed to do doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intelligence, his cunning. He's gonna come at you, Derek. He'll try to twist his way inside your head, preying on your insecurities. He'll tell you that he's the only way you can stop Gerard. Do not trust him.”

“I don’t trust anyone.” He quickly muttered. I frowned and gripped onto his arm. Derek arched a brow, “Except you. But other than that I don’t trust anyone.”

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