Untouchable - Part 2

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The talk I had with Stiles the previous day did me good. The bonding we did afterwards worked wonders. I was tempted to go home and just lock myself in my room, but Stiles refused and took me to a coffee shop to take my mind off things. Honestly, the coffee there was too strong, the ice cream all melted, and the grilled cheese not toasted enough, but that hardly mattered. I forgot about Derek for a few hours while the two of us made peashooters out of straws and shot pieces of chewed-up napkins at random people. We were thrown out after five minutes tops.

But Stiles didn’t stop there. We dropped by the video store and rented a few random movies we’ve never seen. The rest of the day and night were spent on his bed behind his laptop, watching actors intervene, drinking decent coffee, eating burnt popcorn because Stiles forgot to check it, and throwing each other with the said popcorn because it was that bad. It was the first time in a long while that I completely forgot about werewolves, hunters, full moons, school, and Derek.

That explained why I was in a particularly good mood at school today. Not even having Biology with Jackson and Lydia together could ruin it for me. Besides, I was too fixed on the video about vaccinations, that I hardly even heard Jackson whispering somewhere behind me, or saw Lydia staring at the TV in boredom.

“A small exposure on the otherwise deadly virus can actually prevent the effects of the infection from spreading. This is called vaccination.” The voice-over on the TV continued.

Even in the dark classroom, I could clearly see my books and notes with the enhanced senses and scribbled down the information for future inferences.

“So by creating an immunity…”

My thoughts drifted to Derek. Maybe I’d talk to him today, tell him how I feel and what’s bothering me.

“Your body is primed to fight of the infection…”

I mean, if he still felt the way he used to when we first confessed our feelings, he’d take my feelings into consideration. He’ll actually listen to me, right?

“From meningitis to rabies from an animal bite…”

I knew I should have doubt, that I should only be positive and trust that he’d listen and take my words to heart. This was the first time I liked someone and let them into my left, despite the fact that we’re mates which changed things a bit. He just had to listen.

“Meaning the subject is now immune…”

It’s decided. I’m going straight to him after school. We’re going to have a nice talk, settle a few things, and then when we’re on the same page we’re going to my house and order in or something - we still didn’t have that first date I talked about while we were Kate’s hostages.

The bell rang and ended the period. After finishing up my last note, I scooped up my books and fell in behind the long line of students that were desperate to escape Biology. But when I stood on my tippy toes to peer over their heads, I nearly gasped when glimpsing Jackson dragging Lydia across the hall and nearly pinned her against a wall. His face was twisted in anger while he pointed an accusing finger at her. She looked absolutely petrified.

Half of the students were out and I was almost at the door, however, my attention was fixed completely on the ex-couple’s fallout in the hall. No one else seemed to notice the way Jackson almost yelled and harassed her. I realized too late that I could tune in on their argument, but managed to catch the last part.

“It's… It's you. Whatever it is, blood, saliva, whatever soul-killing substance is running through your veins, you did this to me.” He yelled right into her face, “You ruined it for me. You ruined everything!”

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