Search Party for a Naked Girl

Start from the beginning

My stomach tightened with butterflies and I could only imagine the goofy smile I had on my face, "This morning, yeah. And at lunch, too."

"I just can't get over it." He trailed his hands down my sides, "You still make me nervous. How do you still make me nervous?"

"Maybe because," I stood on my toes to whisper in his ear, "I'm your greatest weakness."

In the light of the sunset, he only managed to leave me breathless when his face lit up in a smile. I officially decided that his smile was brighter than my future and that without seeing it at least once every day, would be the death of me.

He intertwined our fingers and we walked through the forest hand in hand towards his car. These past few days after he bit me, we've been coming to the forest every afternoon to spar. Unlike Scott, who suffered from all the werewolf symptoms after he was bit, I didn't experience any weird or scary transformations. No waking up in the forest some mornings, no anger pulses that pushed me to shift, and certainly no urges to kill anyone - well, at least not yet. On the other hand, my senses were so enhanced that I suffered from a headache the first day after the bite. The light was too sharp, the softest noises too loud, and almost every scent made me nauseous. I was scared shitless when I caught Derek's scent and just about jumped him out of raw lust. He just smelled... so good. It happened on instinct and if he didn't pin me to the bed and calmed me down, I swear I would've ripped his clothes clean off.

We were both a bit scared after than, me more than him. That's when Derek suggested that we take all that pent-up urges to the forest and spar them out. His best guess to figure out what I was, was to get me to shift, and through anger was the only way he knew how to do so. However, it's been almost a week and I've been furious once or twice after losing every fight against him. And nothing happened. I didn't even grow claws or fangs, no matter how many times he had me in a submission hold and won the fight. To say that I'm worried was an understatement. The next full moon was less than a week away, and I was absolutely terrified of my first shift. What if I couldn't control whatever I will turn into? It would've been a hell of a lot easier if I had just turned into a werewolf. That way Derek could've started to teach me sooner, and I could learn out of Scott's mistakes.

"Hey." Derek's hand rested on mine as we drove home, his eyes leaving the road a second to look at me, "Stop worrying about it. It's gonna be alright. I'll stay with you that whole night."

I loved the fact that we knew what the other was feeling. Imagine if Derek, our favourite Sourwolf, and I, a girl who lost her mom and locked away most of her feelings, had to be open about our emotions to each other. Lots of awkward silences, I tell you. I gave his fingers a light squeeze, "And what if I hurt you instead?"

"I'll heal." He shrugged and stopped the car in front of my house, "But I mean it, don't worry about it. You'll be fine." His words comforted me a little, but there will always be that nagging voice that told me that I'm going to lose control and do something that I'll regret.

The house was deserted after I locked the door and switched on the lights. Dad was at work and Stiles was still at the hospital - the whole weekend to be blunt. Honestly, the first dance that I decided to attend but missed, turned into a bloodbath when Peter nearly killed Lydia on the Lacrosse field. At first, I had all sorts of comments on how stupid she was to venture around the school in the dark alone, and also how stupid she was for chasing after a guy that dumped her over a text. Sure, according to Stiles, Jackson felt awful about what happened to his ex, but that didn't mean that I changed my opinion on him. Of course, I also gave Stiles a lecture about how he could let his 'date' walk out on him without at least following her to make sure she's okay. 

For the first time that week, I had the whole house to myself. I tried convincing Derek to stay over again since we still needed to work on our 'link training', but he politely refused and told me that he needed to take care of something first. Even though he didn't elaborate on what that something was, I didn't let it bother me that much. It was probably some alpha stuff that I wouldn't find at all that interesting. In the end, and after roaming around the house for a few minutes, I finally decided to just take a shower and spend the rest of the night binge-watching True Blood or something.

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