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I bet that wasn't why she was like a statue. I know she witness the whole greeting before the woman take her seat opposite from him.

Gosh men are such dicks.

This is all my fault if I hadn't pushed her to go over there she would never had saw that. Now I feel bad because that jerk is cheating on her with some blonde bimbo. I got up from around the table. I am going to give that shit a piece of my mind and then I am going to make sure he doesn't have any kids.

I grabbed onto Cassie wrist on my way to the table and pulled her along with me.

"You lying cheating bastard." I started yelling at him as soon as I was standing right at the table they are sitting. "How could you do this to my best friend you piece of shit."

"What are you talking about Crystal?" He asked confused like he doesn't have a clue what I am talking about.

"What am I talking about? You have the decency to ask me what I am talking. I am going make you regret knowing me." I was angry that he would act dumb like he isn't cheating on my best friend with this woman.

I took up the water and pour it over his head. I heard the woman gasp. That's right I just throw water on your cheating date. "That's what you get. C'mon Cassie let's get out of here. He doesn't deserve you." I said crossing my arms. My face was hard and I was glaring daggers at the jerk. My face softened when I look at my best friend tense form.

"Cassie?" The jerk face just realized that his girlfriend was here the whole time while he was dining and wining with a new woman. "It's not what it looks like believe me. I can explain all of this."

"Not what it looks like." I said incredulously. How could he deny it when there is evidence? He is sitting in an expensive restaurant with a woman that is not my best friend and cosy at that. "Don't try to deny it Danny there is alot of evidence here." I said rolling my eyes.

"Deny what?" I wanted so bad to punch him in the face for acting like the dumb kind when their girlfriend caught them cheating.

"That your cheating on my best friend with this woman over here." I gestured to the woman that he is with.

"But I'm not if you would just let me explain myself to you you would know that this..." I cut him off before he could say anything else.

"Explain what?" I was angry now and a little annoyed that he won't admit the truth. "That you didn't want her to find out like this. That you were going to tell her soon but like the piece of shit I know you are you were never going to tell her and continue to play her. That you..." This time he cut me off.

"Would you just shut up and let me talk. Cassie please listen to me this is not what it looks like." He shouted but I wasn't going to back down. I know we have an audience by now with all the shouting and I know people don't like to mind their own business.

"Cassie don't listen to the jerk face he is just going to tell you more lie so he can continue going around picking up more and more woman like he doesn't have a girlfriend. Don't be a victim Cassie don't let him get to you. He's just like every other guy."

"Not because this shit of a man ditched you when he found out that he knocked you up doesn't mean that all men are shit but if I were him i would have done the same." He said angrily. I slapped him and his head moved to the left.

"You don't know me." I hissed.

"This has gone too far..." The woman that I don't know started to intervine but I stopped her.

"Shut up this doesn't involve you. This is between me and him now. You and me shit face. I am going to make you regret saying that. I am going to make you wish you were never born when I'm done with you. When I'm don't with you you won't be recognized by anyone." He run his hand through his hair while I got close to him.

My sister's fiance Book 1 [complete]Where stories live. Discover now