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I am moving to a new state. Surprise. Did you expected that? No you did not. So I have already looked at a few houses and I have to pick between two of the houses out of five.

I am not running just need new people and a new environment. It's good for change sometimes. When I move away things will be better for the both of us. For him and for me. I needed somewhere new and fresh for a while now and I can do it now since I have a reason to. So he's not the only reason I am moving I have other motives but he is one of them. If you're calling me a chicken you're darn right I am. I don't want to stick around to see them flourish together and have kids. I will always be bitter seeing that he should have been mine and those kids would have been ours and on and on about what could have been. I don't want a life like that so it's best if I delete myself out of the picture and out of their lives.

I know I know that I will have to see them again on holidays but by that time I would have moved on and have a life of my own and we would laugh at how we use to be something to each other but it never worked out twice if you asked me for the same reasons.

And and I don't feel so good. I dashed out of my bedroom and to the bathroom and to the toilet where I emptied my stomach. That's gross i thought flushing the toilet and getting up off the floor. I walked over to the face basin and grabbed my tooth brush. I brush my teeth and rinsed my mouth. I used the back of my sleeve to wipe my mouth and I looked at myself, really looked at myself.

I look different and I really feel different at the moment. I am looking for something but I can't seem to see it and I think there is something different about me. I brushed it off and went back into tbe bedroom and to the closet to look something to wear for work. Going back into the bathroom I showered and got dressed. It's a good feeling to be going back to work after just laying around lazily for a week. The only fun part of the week was when I tried to get Cassie to talk to me about what she is hiding but she didn't break and I was left exhausted and frustrated that she didn't tell me not even at one point. She brushed it off as nothing and went back to her normal self and I had to let it go. If she says it is nothing it is nothing. I heard footsteps coming upstairs and I know who it is without turning around and checking. "Do you think this skirt make my butt fat?" I asked pulling my hair out of the white tank top that I just put on.

"They look fine to me." I jumped at the husky voice that answered and turned around at a speed I never thought possible. The air got caught in my throat when I saw who it was. I am surprised to see him standing in my bedroom doorway and shocked to how he got in.

"Why are you here and how did you get in?" I asked recovering.

"I borrowed the keys from your friend." He said shrugging like this ain't a big deal. I cursed Cassie's name and said some swear words. Why would she give him a key? Oh when I see her I am going to kill her. I am going to abuse her with some words first and then I am going to strangle her. I told her how things were with me and him and how it's going to be with him now and she gave him a key a freaking key to my house. I am going to have alot of fun torturing her. Come to think about it she would never had done that seeing how I feel about him and what the both of us had been doing and what it lead to.

"You're lying." I said not believing him after really thinking about it.

"Okay she didn't give me any key but it doesn't matter how I got in. I just wanted to see you we need to talk." He bluntly says pushing himself off of the door frame standing up straighter like he didn't just admitted to breaking into my house.

"You know that that is breaking the law." I tell him but he doesn't seem bother at the fact that he broke into my house.

"It's the only way I could get to talk to you and to get you alone." He justifies his action.

My sister's fiance Book 1 [complete]Where stories live. Discover now