Chapter Sixteen: Training

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As we arrived at the address Tony gave us, Loki gave out a groan. I looked at him curiously. 

"Not this place again." He sighed heavily. 

"You've been here before?" I asked.

He nodded grimly. "Not a fan of who resides here." 

Bucky rolled his eyes. "I'm sure he's not a fan of you either. Let's go." 

We both followed Bucky up the stairs and with a dramatic woosh, the doors opened themselves. All three of us stepped inside cautiously, our guards up. I looked around and admired everything. It was all so beautiful. Everything looked so priceless and ancient. Loki didn't care though as he was picking up and touching everything in sight. Meanwhile Bucky stayed close to me, which I didn't mind at all. 

"Wanda Maximoff. I've been expecting you." 

The sudden voice made me jump since I was carelessly not paying attention to my surroundings. I looked over to the massive staircase and saw a figure hovering over them. I could basically hear Loki roll his eyes. The figure floated over to us and landed on the ground. 

"Pleasure to finally meet you." He reached out his hand. 

I took it firmly. "Pleasure is mine Stephen Strange." 

He gave me a light smile, then turned his attention to Loki. "Loki, you're alive. I can't say that I'm surprised." 

Loki shrugged. "God of Mischief. I always have something up my sleeve." 

"That's for sure." Bucky mumbled. 

Stephen walked over to Loki and looked him straight in the eyes. "I must say, what you did for your brother was very heroic. Not many people would risk their lives like that." 

Loki averted eye contact. "Yes do for family I suppose." 

Stephen nodded, then headed back over to me. "Well Wanda, are you ready to start your training?"

I suddenly felt nervous. I've heard of Doctor Strange and how powerful he is but what if my powers were measly compared to his? I would be so embarrassed. What if he couldn't help me? What if I'm beyond help? I closed my eyes and pushed those negative thoughts away. I look at Stephen and nod. 


Bucky grabbed my hand and kissed it. "You've got this Wanda." 

I smile at him and say thank you. 

I walk over to where Stephen is and wait for his instructions. It was nerve wracking knowing that Loki and Bucky were watching me. 

"Okay Wanda, let's see what you've got. Unleash your power." 

I hesitated, then looked at him. "You might want to stand back."

Stephen gave out a small laugh. "I'm fine right here. Go ahead." 

I look away from him and let out a breath. Focus on not hurting anyone. I just need to control my power. I can do this. 

I start out small and let my red hex swirl around my fingers. Then it moves down the lengths of my arms. I could tell Stephen was getting a little impatient, since this isn't what he meant when he said to unleash my power. Come on Wanda! Release it! I can do it! 

I jump up and my hex catches me in mid air. I'm now floating with red coloring all around me. I open my arms and release more of my hex. I look over and Stephen doesn't seem too impressed. This shook my confidence to the core. I swallowed a big lump in my throat and could feel the red drowning my eyes. I need to show him how powerful I can be. 

I raise my arms, my hex shooting out to cover the entire building. Everything starts to shake and items fall to the ground. 

"Wanda!" Bucky yells. 

I ignore him and continue to raise my arms. I'll take us to the damn moon if I have too. I could feel the building start to rise. 

"Wanda! That is enough!" Stephen demanded. 

I snapped my head towards him, my eyes a deep scarlet red. "You wanted me to unleash my power? Well here it is!" I screamed. I shot my hex towards him, but he deflected it with his own powers. I let out the most sinister laugh. "Is that all you've got?" I yelled at him. 

I look forward and let out a smile. Then I bring my arms in and watch as the entire building collapses on top of everyone...but me. 

I lower my hand, the red hex disappearing from Stephen's head. He gasped and stumbled backwards, his eyes adjusting to reality. He blinked a few times then finally looked at me. I could feel all of his emotions. Betrayed, confused, shocked, amazed. 

" is that possible? It all felt so real. I watched your every move..." He trailed off, still shocked. 

I shrug. "Master manipulator I guess." 

Stephen shook his head. "No...that's not it. Your powers are so...there are so many of them. All stronger than the other. Chaos magic..." 

"That doesn't sound very nice." Bucky chimed in. 

"It is very powerful though. Must be why you're so crazy, Wanda." Loki said. I shoved him. 

" don't know your own abilities?" Stephen asked. 

I shook my head. "I didn't exactly get a handout." I lowered my eyes, my mind taking me back to Sokovia and all of the experiments. Bucky grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 

"You are very powerful, Wanda. You apparently have the ability to manipulate chaos magic. That can be very dangerous if you're not careful or know what you're doing. That along with reality warping." 

I swallowed, taking everything Stephen said in. Chaos magic? Reality warping? They all sounded so dangerous and...evil. Am I even the right person to contain these powers? 

"I can hardly control these powers, Stephen." I said. 

"I know, Wanda. I will help you learn how to control them, but first, you need to do some research." Stephen made a portal and inside was a massive library. I look over to Bucky and Loki. 

"We can wait for you." Bucky said reassuringly. 

"Not a good idea. You'd be waiting for hours, possibly days. Come along Wanda." Stephen said as he stepped through the portal. 

"Thanks anyway. You guys can head back. I'm sure I'll see you two soon." I gave Bucky a tight hug and I felt him kiss my neck. "You can do this." He whispered. We pulled away and I gave him a smile as he walked towards the door. 

Loki sauntered over and gave me a sly grin. 

"I'm not stealing anything for you." I say. 

He lets out a groan. "You're no fun." 

I laugh and push him. "You better go or Bucky's going to leave without you." 

Loki suddenly grew serious. "Be careful Wanda. Don't let your new knowledge of your powers control your thoughts." 

He knew I wanted to know if my powers were meant for evil. I don't know how, but he just knew. He could read me like a book. 

"I...I won't. I can handle this." 

Loki reaches for my hand but stops short, our fingers grazing one another. He gives me a sorrowful look, then heads outside to meet Bucky. 

I hate to see them go, but I need to do this on my own but with some help from Stephen. I look over at the portal and see Stephen inside searching for books. I took a deep breath...

then stepped into the portal.

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