Chapter One: New Fate

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December 21st, 2017

Steve told me that keeping a journal helps with anything that I am going through. So, I went out and bought one. I honestly don't know what to write. I guess I should start from where I left off six months ago. After everything that happened with Bucky, I decided to start fresh. I got a job working at this cute little coffee shop in the Upper East Side, which I absolutely love to death. I got my own apartment not far from work which is also great. Leaving the 'superhero' life behind lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I hardly see any of my avenging friends anymore but they always make sure I check in everyday. Pietro is still living at the compound. He loves being a hero. I am very happy for him. He stops by everyday and we always eat lunch together during my break. He fills me in on everything that happens and tries to convince me to return, even though I say no every time. He does understand why I left though, God bless him. He knows that my powers are too strong for me to handle and one little mistake could ruin not only my life, but someone else's. Vision and I have been hanging out every single day, also. Tony figured out a way to mask his true form, which is amazing but it is weird seeing Vision all human like. We go sightseeing and try to find the best places to get food. We usually end up in Central Park, laying in the grass and staring at the clouds. He's been my rock for everything. My feelings for him grow stronger every day, but I always conceal them. I don't want to ruin anything for us because right now, things are perfect.

I close my journal and tuck it safely away in my desk drawer. I look over at the clock on my wall. Vision should be here any minute. I get up from my desk chair and glance at myself one more time in the mirror. I smooth out my hair and put some chapstick on. I then silently scold myself for even caring what I look like. What has gotten into me? I sigh just as there's a knock on my door. I go and open it and smile when I see Vision.

"Hello Wanda. You look lovely today." He said, smiling back.

I blushed. "Viz, I'm just wearing regular clothing."

"Ah, yes but I have just the thing to spice it up!" He grinned, plopping a grey beanie on my head.

I laughed. "Thanks Viz, just what I needed."

He held out his arm. "Ready to take a stroll through snowy New York, Miss Maximoff?"

I graciously took his arm and nodded. "Lead the way."

We strolled the streets for what seemed like hours. Finally, we stopped right by this cute duck pond in Central Park. Vision put his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me.

"Wanda, I want you to know...I love spending time with you. I think you are an amazing person."

I smiled up at him. "How is it that you know all the right things to say?"

"I guess I'm just a smart program." He replied.

I laughed and took his hand. "To're everything."

He looked into my eyes and I didn't even have to look inside his mind to know what he wants.

He wants me.

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