Chapter Ten: Looks Can be Deceiving

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As I lay in my old bed processing what happened, I can't help but smile to myself. I look over to Bucky's side of the bed and stretch out. How is it possible to miss someone so much when they only went to get water? I close my eyes and continue to smile, that is until there is a knock at my door. I sigh and wrap the bed sheet around myself. I get up and open the door to see Vision standing there. He looks so happy to see me. 

"Wanda...It really is you..." He smiles but then notices my disheveled appearance. He looks past me and see's my clothes strewn across the room along with some of Bucky's.

He swallows hard and steps back. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I'll come back." With that, Vision starts to walk off. 

I feel so guilty all of a sudden. "Vision, wait!" I use my hex to bring my clothes to me. I hurriedly throw them on and rush after him. I stumble down the hall trying to grab onto him. 

"Vision, stop! Please!" I cry out. 

He stops and turns to me. 

"I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to see me like that." I say quietly. 

Vision stares at me and I can't tell if he's angry. "I don't care what you look like, Wanda. I just wanted to see you." 

I can tell by the tone of his voice he's annoyed. I reach out to him but he steps back. My arm falls to my side and I look to the floor ashamed. 

"I wanted to see you too but you weren't here..." I whisper. 

Vision throws his hands up in the air. "Wanda! You just escaped Roman after weeks of him torturing you with some brainwash contraption and your first thought is to jump into bed with James?" 

His words hurt but I know that he's right. It was selfish of me to do that. I felt some of the brainwash effects wear off and I should've told someone. 

"I love him and I just wanted him to make me feel safe..." I say softly. 

"And I love you. I won't ever be enough though. Not compared to your precious James." Vision snapped. 

I was taken aback by what he said. I think I always knew that Vision loved me but to hear him say it out loud was...different. When I didn't reply, Vision grabbed me and placed his lips upon mine. As he did, we were both shocked as if a lightening bolt struck us. We jumped back from each other, our eyes wide. His eyes suddenly narrowed and I could tell he was trying to access my mind. I still felt a little bit loyal to Roman, so I blocked him out. Vision grabbed my arm and stared into my eyes.

"Wanda, let me in." 

His intense stare scared me to the core. I couldn't let him know I was still loyal to Roman. I shrugged him off and ran back to my room. I closed and locked the door behind me. I leaned against the door breathing heavily. I almost slipped up. I can't let that happen again...

"Hey Vision. Did you find Wanda?" Steve asked. 

"I actually need to talk to you guys about Wanda." Vision said.

Clint sat up straight looking concerned. "What about Wanda?" 

"She's blocked me from her mind. She's hiding something and I have a feeling it's something she doesn't want us to know." 

"You don't think she's still brainwashed, do you?" Tony asked. 

Vision shook his head. "I'm not sure. She didn't seem like she was still brainwashed. She became scared...more like terrified when I tried accessing her mind." 

Steve looked confused. "Why did you try accessing her mind in the first place?" 

"Well, we were both slightly electrocuted when we kissed. That's when I knew something was wrong." 

Natasha let out a chuckle. "Wait a minute. You and Wanda kissed? Does James know?" 

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way." Vision snapped. 

"We have to find out what's going on with Wanda. If there's anyone she'd tell anything to, that's her brother." Clint said. 

"Where is he anyway?" Natasha asked. 

Tony looked at his phone. "He went out with Sam. I called him a few minutes ago and-" 

Suddenly, Pietro sprinted in sending a out a gush of wind towards everyone. "Where is she?" 

"Her room, last time I checked." Clint said. 

With that, Pietro took off again. 

"Those two have such an unbreakable bond. I'm sure she'll tell him something, Vision. Don't worry." Steve placed a reassuring hand on Vision's shoulder. 

Vision nodded but couldn't help still feeling worried about Wanda.

Tony clapped his hands together. "Shawarma anyone?" 

"Yes please. I am starving." Natasha said. She stood up from her seat and put her jacket on. Vision smiled to himself as he watched his friends laugh and not care about anything in that moment. He watched as Clint put his arm around his long time best friend. He watched Tony say something and Steve laugh as they all headed out the door. In that moment, Vision wished every day would be like this. 

 But he knew that bad days were approaching and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

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