Authors Note

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Hey guys! First off, I wanted to thank everyone who has kept up with this story. The last time I updated was in November of 2020. I do sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. I've been on the go constantly and haven't had time to just sit down and write up more chapters.

That's why, I'm looking for a co-author! If you have the writing skills and are up for it, please direct message me on here. I'd love to hear all of your ideas for this story. I'd hate to discontinue it because I know these two stories have a big fan base. I just can't ever find enough time anymore to write.

Now, I'm not simply handing this story over to someone new. I will still be the main author and I will oversee new additions to it. I will still be adding onto it when I get enough free time. I'll explain more to whoever is interested!

Thanks again for keeping up with this story and I promise new updates soon!

The Age Of VillainsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя