Chapter Four: Gone Girl

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"We need to get her to a hospital!"

"What we need is to take her back to the compound!"

Faint voices swarmed around me. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't. I was in so much pain but I couldn't call out for help. I couldn't scream or even let out an inaudible noise. What was going on? I could feel my body getting heavier and heavier. It felt as if the entire world was sitting on my chest. I felt myself fading away, losing all the hope I had left to be woken up from this nightmare.

Steve paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair. He stopped abruptly when Tony approached him.

"How did this happen?"

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a defeated sigh. "I don't know. Roman is a very persistent guy. He should have known what he was getting himself into."

Steve put his hands on his hips and glared at Tony. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Wanda isn't exactly safe to be around."

Steve balled up his fists in anger. "Wanda tries her best to be better and you know that. She works so hard every single day to keep her powers under control. This wasn't her fault so don't you dare make Wanda out to be the bad guy."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Come on Rogers, you aren't her babysitter. I know that Wanda is a good person but you can stop defending her every second you get. She's unstable and she needs to be put in check."

Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You know what? You shouldn't even be here if you don't care about her. Just leave, Stark."

Tony was about to say something but he just gathered up his stuff and headed out the door. "Vision, let's go."

"Actually, I'm going to stay here and make sure Wanda is okay." Vision piped up.

Tony looked from Vision to Steve, then left.

After a while of silence, Vision spoke up. "Captain Rogers, I do believe that Tony does care for Wanda. Although he does have his own methods of how she should be protected and how the world should be protected from her..."

Steve jerked his head up and looked at Vision. "Oh, so you think she's a threat too?"

"No, not at all. I think she's misunderstood and she's needs all the help she can get to control her powers. She also needs all the love and support she can get. I know that Clint and Pietro will happily stand beside her. I assume you will too."

Steve ran his hand through his hair again. "Of course I will."

Just then, Dr. Helen Cho walked out of the infirmary. "We were able to successfully remove the bullet. She's resting now but I don't think she should have visitors just yet. We want to make sure the bullet didn't cause any more damage."

"Understood. When can we see her though?" Steve asked.

"Hmm, a week at the most. The bullet almost pierced her heart, so we need to take extra precaution." She replied.

"Okay. Well, keep us updated." Steve said.

"Thank you." Vision shook her hand.

"Anything for the almighty Avengers. I should get back, but I will definitely keep everyone posted." With that, Dr. Helen Cho went back into the infirmary.

"Well, we should go check in with everyone." Steve said.

"Lead the way, Captain Rogers."

Steve and Vision approached everyone in the kitchen of the new Avengers compound.

Natasha perked up when she saw them entering. "Any news?"

"Wanda is going to be fine." Steve replied.

A wave of relief flooded over everyone instantly.

"When can we see her?" Bucky asked.

"They're keeping her for about a week, just to make sure the bullet didn't cause any more damage." Vision answered, eyeing Bucky cautiously.

"A week!? No. I'm seeing her now." Pietro got up and headed for the door.

Steve reached out and grabbed his arm gently. "They won't let anyone in to see her."

Pietro shrugged him off. "I'm family."

"We're all family." Tony spoke up.

Steve shifted his gaze towards Tony and gave a light nod.

"Says you. Wanda has had more time to bond with all of you! I'm just an outsider." Pietro muttered.

"That's not true. You're just as important and valued as Wanda and everyone else on this team." Clint said.

Pietro stood their silently for a while, letting Clint's words sink in. "I'm going to see my sister." And with that he sped off, a gust of wind blowing back on everyone.

Natasha looked to Clint and gave him a reassuring smile. "He'll come around."

Clint really hoped so.

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