Chapter Nine: Home is Where The Heart is

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I woke up with my head pounding and my ears ringing. I placed my hand on my cheek and winced. I don't remember anything that happened. 

"Ah, good! You're awake!" 

I looked up and saw Roman walk towards me. He gingerly touched my cheek and sighed. When I flinched from his touch, he pulled his hand back and cleared his throat. 

"I need you to do something for me, Wanda." 

I ran a hand through my hair and groaned. "Too lazy to do it yourself, Roman?" 

He chuckled and placed his arm around me. "This is a mission that only you can do." 

I shrug him off and walk over to a dusty mirror that's hanging on the wall. I wipe away some of the dust and stare at my reflection. My hair is as black as the night, my eye makeup slightly smudged and my clothes unkempt. Roman get's up from the bed I had been asleep in and walks over to me. 

"Look how beautiful you are, Wanda. A masterpiece..." He let's the word roll of his tongue. I'm slightly intrigued. 

"What is this mission?" I ask.

He stares at my reflection and smiles. "I need you to go home." 

I turn around suddenly, confused by what he said. "Go home?" 

His smile grows bigger as he softly grabs my face with his hands. He runs his thumb across my cupids bow. "Yes dear. There is another person I would like us to have on our side and only you can get him." 

I look into his piercing blue eyes. "Who is it?" 

"Let's just say...he's on rocky terms with his oh mighty brother." Roman grins.

I rack my brain trying to think of who he's talking about and suddenly it hits me. I shake my head. "You can't be serious, Roman. I don't even know him that well. He won't trust me with anything, probably." 

"The other Avengers trust you, so he will too. I just need you to get his brother's whereabouts. Then I'll handle it from there." His thumb moves from my cupids bow to my cheek. 

"I heard his brother is a scary guy. I don't know about this..." I say quietly. 

Roman sighs and let's his hand fall back to his side. "I thought I could count on you." 

His words are like a slap in the face. I regain composure and hold my head high. "You can. I will get him, I promise." 

Roman's smile returns and he kisses me on the cheek. "Brilliant! You'll head out immediately but you need to play the part. You can't let them know it's all a ploy." 

I smile when his lips linger on my cheek. When he pulls away, I listen to his instructions very carefully. I will not let Roman down. 

As I walk through the door of the Avengers Facility, I take a deep breath and begin playing my part. It's like everything's happening in slow motion. Steve looks up from the newspaper he's reading and his eyes widen. Clint drops his mug of coffee and it shatters onto the floor. Tony notices and his face contorts into anger but he notices that Clint or Steve isn't looking at the accident. Tony looks over and see's me. His face goes blank. Natasha reaches over and grabs Steve's arm. 

"Hey Steve, how do I go 'live' on Instagram?" Bucky walks in staring at his phone with a confused look. When no one answers, he looks up from his phone and see's that everyone is staring at something. He turns his head and see's me. 

"Wanda..." He breathes out my name which sends a shudder down my spine. The way he's looking at me tells me that we used to have something before I left to go work with Roman. Tears rush to the surface and I'm caught off guard for a moment. 

"Hi..." My voice cracks and that's what sends everyone into a frenzy. Clint rushes to me and wraps me in a hug. I instinctively hug him back. 

After a few minutes of hugging everyone, except for Bucky, Sam, Rhodes and Vision, I'm able to breathe again. 

"How did you escape?" Tony asks.

"Before Wanda tells us anything, I think her and Bucky should have their reunion." Steve said.

I smile sheepishly, and follow Bucky to my old room. He closes the door behind us and stands there awkwardly. I take in the sight of my room and feel comfortable. All of these feelings are so...instinctive. I don't know how to shut it off. I keep reminding myself that I have an act to follow. 

"Wanda..." His voice brings tears to my eyes. This whole instinctive thing was getting annoying. Without thinking, I grab him and hug him tightly. He immediately returns the embrace. 

"I'm so sorry, Wanda. I should have never let you go." His voice is muffled as he speaks into my shoulder. I can hear the sadness in his voice. When he pulls back, I see that his eyes are wet with tears. My heart skips a beat and I suddenly get a rush of old feelings back. 

I have to stop this. I'm on a strict mission from Roman and I can't let him down...

I reach up and wipe a fallen tear from his cheek. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes of his. 

"Wanda, I...I love you." He says softly. 

I hadn't realized that I had been crying also. I could now feel warm tears of my own slip down my cheek. What is wrong with me? I need to focus. Focus on the mission, Wanda! Without thinking, I reach up and place my hands on his cheeks. I kiss him as if my life depended on it. He returns the kiss as if he's been craving me for years. We fall onto my bed and completely melt into each other's embrace. 

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