Chapter Fourteen: In Gods we Trust

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A few days later, I arrived back at the Avengers facility with Loki in tow. I could feel how nervous he was. I reassuringly grabbed his hand and nodded at him. 

"Everything will be fine, I promise." I say quietly. 

He gives a small smile and nods back. 

I can't help but feel nervous as well. Everyone is expecting me and well...only me. I feel bad that I'm springing Loki on them but this is the only way they'll listen to me. He has to be here. 

As we approach the sitting area, I can feel Loki's hand tighten around mine. I rub my thumb over his knuckles. This must be incredibly hard for him. I am impressed with how he his hiding it with his expression and stature. 

We enter the room and everyone looks relieved to see me...until they see Loki at my side. 

Tony reaches his arm out and the hand of his suit latches onto it. Steve immediately grabs his shield as Natasha pulls out a gun. The stone in Vision's head glows. Bucky clenches his metal hand. Before anyone could anything else, Thor steps forward. 

"Loki. How could you? Using your mind control on father, I understand...but this young girl? You've gone too far." Thor boomed. 

Loki rolled his eyes. "Rest easy, brother. I am not using my magic. Besides if anything, she is mind control."

I smiled to myself. 

"Wanda, why did you bring him here?" Steve demanded. 

I stepped forward in a protective stance, shielding Loki from the Avengers. "I told you. He is our ally now." 

Thor looked slightly surprised that I was protecting Loki. 

"Lower your weapons. He is not a threat." I snapped. 

Steve hesitated but placed his shield down. Natasha slid her gun back into her holster and Tony disassembled his hand armor. 

"How can we trust you?" Thor asked. 

Loki lowered his eyes for a moment and then looked back at Thor. "You can't." 

Tony scoffed. "Well that's reassuring." 

I shoot him a look. "Loki means well. I trust him." 

Thor rolled his eyes. "You barely know him. Besides, why would we trust you? You're just a trickster like him. A child." 

I cocked my head. "You're right. I am all those things, but I am honest. I know Loki more than you think. I know him better than you, sparkles." 

Thor narrows his eyes. "You're wrong. I don't believe a word you say. After the events in Sokovia, you have proven you cannot be trusted." 

Steve stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Thor, she has proven to us multiple times that she can be trusted."

Thor ignored Steve and continued to look at me. 

"I looked in his head and saw more of his life than you have seen in all your years of being his brother. Want me to show you?" I give him a smirk. 

"I think this is getting out of hand..." Natasha whispered to Steve.

"You won't be able to touch a hair on my head, witch." Thor towered over me, establishing his dominance. 

I raise my brow and give him my famous, 'are you serious right now?' look. "Don't try to look so tough, Sparkles. Everyone in this room know's I'm stronger than you." 

Thor chuckled. "Care to wager?" 

I use my hex to lift me off the ground and over him. I can feel my eyes turn a bright scarlet. "Absolutely." 

"Wanda, no!" Steve yells out. 

It's too late. My hex swarms around Thor, forcing him to the ground. He tries to fight it. I strain against his strength, but I don't take my eyes off of him. I unleash out more of my hex. 

"You want proof? I'll give you proof!" I yell. My hex shoots into his head, releasing all of my duties I have done for the Avengers. I finally let him go and sink back to the ground. I feel drained, physically and mentally. I start to sway a little.

"Woah, are you alright?" Loki steadies me but backs off when Bucky and Vision glare at him. 

"I'm...fine." I say quietly. I start swaying again and almost drop to the floor when Pietro rushes to me and swoops me up in his arms. 

"That was quite the show, showoff." Pietro grins at me. 

I let out a soft laugh. "See what you've been missing?" 

Pietro's grin fades away as he looks me over. "You need to rest. I'll take you to your room." With that said, he zooms off clutching onto me for dear life. 

Steve sighs once Pietro leaves with Wanda. He shakes his head and notices Thor still on the floor, holding his head. 

"Are you alright, Thor?" Steve asks, as he helps Thor up. 

"I guess I was wrong." Thor replied. 

Loki snorts. "I'm surprised you didn't choke on those words." 

Thor rolls his eyes and looks back to Steve. "That girl is remarkable. We are ever so fortunate to have someone with that much strength on our team." 

Steve lets out a laugh. "Well that girl has a problem with authority. I'm sorry that she did that to you. Again." 

"Ah, no need to apologize. I need to start trusting people. I owe you guys that. I owe...everyone that." Thor and Loki's eyes meet. 

"Don't get all soft, brother. Not a good look for you."

Thor smiles at Loki. "It is for you, though." 

Loki looks away, processing what Thor said. 

"Okay, well now that everyone has gotten everything out of their system, let's go check on Wanda. Shall we?" Natasha claps her hands together. 

"Lead the way, Romanoff." Steve smiles as Natasha's cheeks start turning pink. 

"God, does everyone like everyone here?" Loki looks slightly disgusted. 

"Get used to it, pal. We're all a family here." 

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