Chapter Thirteen: Trustworthy

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"I must say, Wanda, that new suit of yours looks incredible on you." 

I tried not to gag when Roman said that. The way he said it was just so...gross. 

"Thank you, sir. I'm glad it is to your liking." I flashed him a smile. 

Roman gathered up some papers and tucked them in his briefcase. "I'll be heading to S.H.I.E.L.D. as I have more important items to...borrow." 

I furrowed my brows. "Won't they recognize you?" 

"Oh, no. I myself am not going in the building. I am sending in someone else to do all of the dirty work." He chuckled when he said the last part. 

I refrained from rolling my eyes. "I suppose Loki and I will continue with our plan, then?" 

Roman nodded. "Yes and be sure to get everything that is on my list! You two do not want to disappoint me." He grinned at us then walked out. 

Loki did roll his eyes and scoff. "Does that man not realize I am a God?" 

"You're not actually a God." I quipped. 

Loki stood up from where he was sitting and spread out his arms. "I am Loki, God of Mischief. My brother is Thor, God of Thunder. God is in our title." 

"Yeah...he's not really your brother." My eyes stay on the wall, where I am focusing my hex on. Practice makes perfect and I really should know my limit. I make a ball with my hex and stretch it out. 

"On the contrary, dear Wanda. He is my brother." Loki argued. 

I send the ball towards the wall and it burns right through it. A small smile stretches across my face. I turn to Loki, suddenly aware of how close he is to me. 

"So you accept him now? I've heard stories of you two, you know." 

Loki let his eyes wander around the room before answering. "We had on Asgard. I've always accepted him. I just never felt like his equal. I never felt like I...belonged." 

I could tell this pained Loki to talk about. Without thinking, I placed my hand on his arm. "I know exactly what you mean." 

Loki looked to my hand then back up to me. My face grew hot and I quickly removed my hand. 

"Care to elaborate, Wanda?" 

Flashbacks of watching my parents die, being experimented on, being locked in a cell, feeling my brother die came flooding back. All of those memories swarming my head caused me to double over in pain. I cried out and placed my hands on my head. 

"Wanda!? What's happening?" Loki grabbed onto me as I started to lose my balance. 

I always seem to forget that reliving my tragic past and tapping into my fear can hurt emotionally and physically.  One of the major cons of having the abilities I possess. 

Loki sits me down on the couch and moves some of my hair away from my face. 

"I'm...fine." My voice is strained and raspy. 

"You don't sound fine, Wanda." 

I closed my eyes and blocked out everything. After a few minutes, I was calm again. I opened my eyes and saw Loki staring at me with a very concerned look on his face.

"What happened to you?" He asked. 

I sucked in my breath and let it out slowly. "My powers can not only affect the people I inflict it on, but me as well. It happens when too many of my memories come rushing to the surface. It also happens when I watch my fear." 

" can see other people's fear as well as your own? That must take a toll on you." 

I sighed and nodded. "I haven't had the best life. I have a lot of bad memories that I want to push away but I never seem to be able to." 

"Like what? If you don't mind me asking." Loki was still kneeling in front of me and I was surprised that he isn't as 'villainous' as the Avengers say he is.  

"Long story short, my parents died in front of my brother and I so we decided to become experiments for Baron Strucker who gave us abilities. After that, my brother and I worked with Ultron against the Avengers but we switched sides and my brother ended up dying during the battle of Sokovia." I look and see if Loki is paying attention and I can tell he is hanging on to every word. 

"I am sorry about your parents and your brother." Loki says quietly. 

I stifle a laugh. "It's okay. My brother is actually alive. He was um...brought back, sort of." 

Loki didn't respond. He seemed lost in thought. 

"Loki...I never apologized to you." I say quietly.

He snaps out of the daze he's in and looks at me. "For what?"

I twirl one of my rings around my pointer finger, not meeting his eyes. "For looking into your head. I saw some...terrible things and I'm so sorry for that." 

Loki grabbed my hand which instantly made me look at him. "You are forgiven, Wanda. Don't feel bad about what you did. It is after all one of your powers and I assume a great strength of yours."

I don't say anything for a few seconds. Everyone I know has made Loki out to be the big bad guy. Meeting him personally, I don't see it. "Loki...I was told that you are a villain. I believed my friends. I mean, you did invade New York with your army...but after looking inside your head, I realized that you're just misunderstood. You just want to fit in. You have all your life." 

Loki lowers his eyes for a moment then returns his gaze to me. "I've always wanted someone to understand me. What I've been through. I just never thought it would be you." 

I grin and playfully shove him. "Don't get soft on me now, Loki." 

He lets out a laugh that is music to my ears. "You're absolutely right, Wanda. You should let me in on your plan if I am to join your side."

I know that telling Loki our plan could cause an uproar with the Avengers considering they don't trust him at all and probably never will. Alas for some reason, I know that I can trust him. I don't know why but I can feel it. 

I smile at Loki. "Here's the plan." 

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