10 - Emo-tions

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As I walked down the stairs on the outside of the school, I heard Adrien call my name.

I screeched to a halt and whipped around, Adrien was running to catch up to me.

"A-Adrien? I-is there something you need?" my face was already getting tired of being so heated today.

"Actually, yeah. I got three tickets to the amusement park. I wanted to go with Nino and Alya, but they were busy, so... do you wanna come with me?" he asked.

It took me a few seconds to process what he just asked me. It was like a dream come true. "Of course I will!" I exclaimed, then cleared my throat shyly, "I-I mean... yeah- sure!"

"Awesome! You can bring Luka with you if you'd like." he suggested.

I nodded, "Sure...!" I barely heard what he said, my only focus was Adrien.

"Okay, bye! We can go this weekend, in two days, gotta go now, bye!" he waved quickly before running off to his silver car.

I placed my hand over my heart and felt the rapid speed it was beating at.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down but it was nearly impossible.

I walked the rest of the way home with trembling legs. When I stumbled into the bakery, it wasn't as busy as usual, just around four to five customers now.

"Oh, Marinette! Where's Luka?" Mom asked from the counter.

"He's still at school, doing an assignment with his partner." I told her. "Oh, okay. Well, we can manage here just fine." she said.

"Alright, I'll be going upstairs then." I said before walking up the stairs.

When I got to my room, I opened the drawer I kept my Adrien pictures in and put them back up on the wall.

Luka's POV

"Why'd you rush Marinette like that?" Nathaniel questioned me, hostility in his voice.

I tapped my fingers on the table, I didn't know much myself.

All I knew was that I wanted to get back to the bakery with Marinette. When she kept looking at Adrien with such a warm, love-struck look it always made me roll my eyes.

Everytime they interracted, I'd get upset, a weird feeling would bubble in me, like a concoction of anger brewing in my stomach.

Why do I feel so protective around her? I barely know her.

"Hey, Luka?" I snapped out of my flurry of confusion when Nathaniel tapped the back of my hand.

"You okay?" he asked.

My hands turned to fists, "Yeah, just- I don't know- I... I feel weird." I expressed.

Nathaniel's eyebrows furrowed, "Are you sick, or something?"

I shook my head, "It's not really physical- just... I don't know." I let my chin rest in my hand as my elbow pressed on the table.

Nathaniel was quiet for a few seconds, then he spoke up, "Hey, do you think... Adrien likes Marinette?" he asked suddenly.

I flinched, eyes wide, "Well, actually it's pretty much the other way around." I said.

Nathaniel tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean, Marinette likes Adrien, though I don't think he knows despite how obvious she's displaying it." I said the last part grumpily.

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