2 - The Sun Boy

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"No, no, no! I'm gonna be late!" I quickly rushed acorss the street and toward the school as the first bell rang.

Students were still going in, they all also seemed to be late. I skipped a stair each time I stepped.

As I reached the entrance, I tripped over my own feet and fell to the ground.

"Great, now I'm all dusty." I grumbled.

"Are you alright?"

A wonderful voice followed by a shadow made me lift my head. I was looking up at a handsome boy, hair as golden as the sun's rays and eyes as green as emeralds.

He was beautiful, like an angel. He extended his hand to me, waiting patiently for me to take it.

My heart raced when our skin touched, my palm rested in his - a perfect fit. He lifted me off of the ground, I felt as light as a feather.

"Thank you..." I breathed, staring deep into his miraculous eyes.

He gave me the most adorable smile I'd ever seen. "It's my pleasure. I'm Adrien." his voice was dripping with honey, so sweet, so kind.

"It's nice to eat you- I mean MEET you! Ehehe, I'm Marinette." I turned beet red. What is happening to my face? It's burning!

"You look lost, which class are you in?" Adrien asked me. "It's the one just up there." I responded, pointing to the room up the stairs behind him.

"Really? That's great! I'm in that class as well!" he grinned, his smile was shining like the sun.

"Really? How come I didn't see you yesterday?" I asked.

I think I'd know if the son of the literal sun was in my class. His beauty is so bright, it almost blinds me.

"Ah, I just returned from a trip to Japan yesterday night. I'm quite jet-lagged," he laughed off the sleepy tone in his voice.

"Oh, that's great!" I grinned. "Shall we go?" he gestures to the stairs ahead. I nodded as I took the arm he offered.

He's so polite!

When we opened the door, I almost gasped aloud. Fortunately, I stopped myself. A very familiar boy was standing in front of the class, arms crossed with his usual uninterested face.

"Oh, Marinette, Adrien! You're just in time to meet our new student! This is Luka Couffaine." Ms. Bustier introduced us.

I almost let my jaw hang loose, but Adrien didn't show signs of surprise or negative emotions at all, he just smiled, in fact his smile might have gotten even bigger.

"Oh, Luka, hey man!" Adrien gave him a high-five.

These two know each other?!

"Luka, you can sit beside Ivan." Ms. Bustier gestured to the big guy at the back, their table was directly on the other side of my table! What's worse is that we both will be sitting on the isle seats...

I gave Adrien a quick wave before walking to the back of the class. As I walked, Luka walked alongside me, I could feel the heat of his stare on the side of my head.

I greeted Nathaniel briefly before taking my seat.

At last, it was lunchtime, a time of relaxation and recharging. Before Adrien left the class, I quickly grabbed his wrist.

He spun around, "Oh, hey Marinette. Do you need help with anything?" he asked. I've longed to hear that voice for so many hours.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Luka." I said, looking away, my cheeks burned.

Adrien's so perfect and kind! He immedietaly asked if I needed help with anything!

"Sure, come on, let's go sit down." he lead me down the stairs to a bench where we sat.

"So what did you want to ask about?" his voice suddenly changed from friendly to amused, "Are you... interested in him? Is the lone wolf your type?" he seemed to be having too much fun.

I quickly waved my hands in decline, "No, no, no! Nothing like that!" I felt like I was under the sun for hours.

"I just noticed that during the beginning of the first class, you seemed to know Luka?" I stated curiously.

Adrien smiled sheepishly, "Ah, well. We're old childhood friends." he scratched the back of his neck.

"Woah, what? But you two are so different - like polar opposites!" my mouth hung agape. Adrien laughed. What a wonderful sound!

"Yes, he wasn't much different when we were younger either." he told me, "You see," he lowered his voice, "Luka is an orphan, along with his sister." he whispered.

That time I couldn't hold back a gasp. Is that why he's so reserved and unapproachable? What happened to make him so... cold?

"Really? That's terrible!" I whispered back. Adrien nodded, "I became friends with him when he was on the streets, hidden away from the eyes of the authorities." he said.

"My family helped them, so he's like a brother to me. He doesn't like talking about his family or his past much." he added.

I smiled, "Wow, that's so nice of you!" I was falling for this guy fast.

"It must be hard taking care of himself and his sister." I said.

Adrien nodded and sighed sadly, "I wish I could help more but he says he'd rather take care of her and himself on his own after he found a job and was back on his feet."

"He's quite hard-working..." I stated. I spotted the movement of Luka's bright blue hair in the corner of my eye.

He was walking with Juleka at his side, a guitar on his back.

"He plays the guitar?" I questioned.

"Yeah, he loves music. It's like his temporary escape to his own happy place." Adrien smiled as his eyes landed on Luka.

I breathed "Wow... there's so much you know about him. Do you know much about his sister?"

"Juleka's a pretty shy girl, when we were living together, she never really talked to me much. But I would always catch her flipping through my magazines and looking at various fashion models." he informed me.

"You like fashion?" I asked. He shrugged, "Well, my father's a famoud fashion designer and I'm the model for his brand-"

"You're a model?!" I gasped aloud then slapped my hands over my mouth. That would make lots of sense, he is extremely gorgeous.

Adrien chuckled, "Yeah, my father is Gabriel Agreste, maybe you've heard of him?"

My mouth hung open, "Are you kidding? He's my role model! My inspiration! I wanna be just like him one day! A world-famous fashion designer." I exclaimed excitedly.

Adrien whistled, "Wow, hey, if you want, I could spread the word of your work and maybe it could reach my father." he suggested.

I grinned, "You really would do that?"

Before Adrien could say anything, the bell rang.

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