6 - Girl Talk

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Luka's POV

"Wow! This looks so cool!" Adrien beamed, staring at himself in the mirror.

I added some temporary emerald green dye to the tips of his hair. "I would've gone for a sea-green color, but this is fine," I said, leaning against the wall.

"It's amazing! How long will it stay for?" Adrien asked me, still admiring the vibrant green hue on his golden hair.

I pondered that myself for a good few seconds, "Maybe a few weeks, six at most." I told him.

"Sit back down, I'm going to do your makeup now," I told him.

When he sat down, I opened up the eyeshadow palette.

"So do you like any girls?" Adrien asked impishly. I groaned, "What's with everyone asking me about that?" I grit my teeth.

"Come on," Adrien's eyes sparkled, "you must like someone?"

"Am I obliged to fall in love with someone? It's still only the first week of school." I told him grumpily.

"Exactly! Your first week in a new school! So many people to choose from!" he said excitedly.

I decided to turn the tables, "And what about you? Don't think I haven't caught you staring at that brown-haired girl." 


Adrien flushed, "W-what are you talking about? She's just a friend..."

I scoffed, "Yeah right, are you sure she's just a friend? I saw you staring at her butt once." I snickered.

The blond model fumed, "Don't change the subject! This is about you!" he grumbled.

"Okay then, ask me about the girls in our class. I don't have feelings for any of 'em. All pretty average actually, 'cept for my sister of course." I challenged.

Adrien smirked, "Challenge accepted, what'd you think about Alix?" he purred. I raised an eyebrow, "Who's she again?"

The model sighed, "Fine, how about Rose?"

"Oh, the one in pink? Not my type, too loud, besides she's already taken." I smiled as I recalled the times I caught Juleka staring at her with fondness in her eyes.

Adrien was starting to get irritated, "Alya."

"Blogger girl? I don't like people who snoop around for 'scoops'." I told him.


"Also taken."




"Absolutely not."

Adrien's voice faltered with desperation, "Ms. Bustier?"

I snorted, "You can't be serious!"

"What? She's pretty." Adrien retorted. I rolled my eyes, "Sure, but I'm not the type to chase after women much older than me."

"Fine," Adrien's voice suddenly shifted to a more playful tone, "how about Marinette?"

I scowled, "Oh, that intruder? Worse than the blogger girl." I scoffed.

Adrien's face fell, "Come on, Luka, she's a nice person." he tried to convince me.

I felt betrayed that Adrien was siding with her.

"She's too nice for her own good. It's irritating." I growled.

"Well, I think you two would make a great couple," Adrien said. I frowned, "What? Why? We're completely different!" I don't understand what Adrien's spewing out of his mouth.

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