Chapter 14: Protecting Allen And Neah

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"Your Highness, looks like those damn Noah freed you from my control. No matter, I'll make you a puppet once again. Such insolence, this isn't your friend's house you know?" Apocryphos says while transforming. Allen then says he senses innocence in Apocryphos.
" He is neither human or accomodator. He is an independent type innocence, The Heart to be precise." (Y/n) explains as Allen stares in shock.
" Remember, I exist to bring death to the Noah." Apocryphos declares with a grin. Tyki attacks, landing multiple hits on Apocryphos.
" What's wrong? I thought you were going to give me some death. You know we lured you out right?" Tyki says with a smirk as he hits Apocryphos. This time though, Apocryphos comes out behind Tyki from underground. Pinning Tyki to the wall, Apocryphos uses his hand to put a hole in Tyki's hand. Allen uses his innocence to attack Apocryphos, accusing Apocryphos of murdering his master. Apocryphos grabs Allen's head, saying he'll suppress the 14th for Allen. (Y/n) pulls Allen away from Apocryphos, pushing him and Road behind her protectively.
" Allen you don't get it do you? Your innocence called Apocryphos to you. It considers you a traitor to Lucifer, so it's offering up your life to Lucifer. That power will not keep you safe any longer Allen I am sorry. Stay behind me both of you, I will protect you no matter what." (Y/n) says as she focuses her power to attack. She manages to neutralize the power Allen and Road were about to be hit by. Just Apocryphos still hits her, sending her flying into the wall making a crater.
"I'm your opponent! Don't you dare touch her!" Tyki growled at the sight of (y/n) as she groaned in pain, sinking to the floor. Link manages to get up, using talismans against Apocryphos as he told the group to run and releasing Timcanpy from the talisman. A bright light shined as they exploded, allowing the others to flee safely. Enraged at Link, Apocryphos rips out his heart as "atonement" for helping Allen escape. Then an alarm sounds through the Order, announcing that three Noahs were fleeing with Allen Walker in tow. This was then followed by Komui announcing that Allen's exorcist status was suspended, stating he is to be considered a Noah. Lena Lee heads out to try and bring back her dear friend. The thirds stand outside buying time, killing some of the crows. They then leave to follow the Noah, aiding the akuma in their battle. Tyki drags the oversized Timcanpy, saying how they need to hurry. Tyki also remarks how being both an exorcist and a Noah makes him the worst of all involved in the war. Allen bites his lip, looking at the unconscious ladies on his shoulders. Tyki turns around in alarm, sensing the bloodlust of Apocryphos.
" That arm is telling Apocryphos exactly where we are. I don't understand why you are so stubborn boy, but it's putting us in danger. It's like Love told you, your innocence is betraying you. It will not help you anymore, or listen to you for that matter." Tyki says as he sees (y/n) bleeding while moaning in pain. The Noah of Pleasure clicks his tounge, moving onward to an open area in the forest. Allen stops saying that he should disappear for a while. That maybe his disappearering would ease the conflict. (Y/n) stops his words, giving him some good advice.
" I know how you feel Allen, I won't stop you. However, the Noah memories you bear are powerful and extremely difficult to control. If you continue this way, you and Neah risk losing control. The more powerful the memories, the more powerful the darkness you suppress. Eventually Neah will take over, but it's slow and painful. I also know that you want answers about everything. Reach inside your mind, there you can speak to Neah. Perhaps he can provide you with the answers you seek. All I ask is that you try to understand Neah, he's not just a monster you know." (Y/n) says while hugging Allen one last time. Tyki pouts while making a jealous face, his dislike of Allen being apparent. Allen opens the ark, saying goodbye to the three Noahs as Timcanpy returned to normal. The Noah's leave as Lena Lee attempts to convince Allen to come back. Allen smiles and hugs her, saying it will all be okay.
Tyki carries (y/n) and Road, noticing Road's memories were fading. This meant that her memories were damaged, that she'd return to the Ark to rest. She eventually disappeared, Tyki dreading the reaction of Sheril. Tyki makes it to a town nearby after a few hours, letting out a sigh of relief. He uses his ability to talk to akuma, asking them to pass a message to the Earl.
" Road's memories were damaged so she has to rest in the Ark. Can you open a door into the ark for us Lord Millennium? (Y/n) is in bad shape so please hurry." Tyki says telipathically to the akumas. Tyki held the girl close, noticing her shivering profusely. Within moments a door appears before them, the Earl stepping out to greet them. When they get inside, they see the others all with worried looks. Tyki explains what happened to Sheril, the man getting upset at the news. In Tyki's arms, (y/n) pipes up something unexpected.
" If I use the piano in the Ark, I can heal Road. Using the Ark as a conductor, I can use my energy to restore her memories." The girl says with cheerful enthusiasm.
  " But that will put a strain on you right?" Tyki says with a sigh. She nods, saying she's okay with that.
" You look like you could drop dead at any time already. I'm worried about you, I don't like seeing the woman I love in such a condition. But I know you'd do it anyway so, I'll be here to take care of you Love." Tyki states with a chuckle, shaking his head at her craziness. The Earl and Tyki take (y/n) to the piano room, watching the young lady quietly. Then she begins to play, her stigmata appearing painlessly on her skin. One on each shoulder, on each hand, her back and her forehead. The Earl looks on in surprise, confused as to why they appeared as she continues to play. Tyki simply looks on I'm awe, feeling the gentle love in each note she played. Little did they notice, Road had already came back. She watched as (y/n) poured her soul into the piano, saying thank you to the woman for her help. (Y/n) stops playing, crying as she hugged Road happily. Then Sheril came in and joined them, happy to see his sweet daughter again. All of the Noah spent the rest of the day together, enjoying the time. That is untill (y/n) fell ill, having strained herself too much in all of the madness.

Eve, The Wife Of The Noah (Tyki Mikk X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя