Chapter 12: The Love And Tragedy

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  Desires manipulates the hoses, catching the non combatants in a crushing hold. Allen reacts confused as he sees Alma surrounded by dark matter. Johnny tells Allen that Alma is becoming an akuma, that Alma must be stopped. Alma shines a light causing some to die as the building exploded. Tokusa used the talismans to save the scientists and Allen from the explosion. Then Tokusa begins morphing into a monster, reacting to Alma being an akuma. Crown Clown activates independently, attacking Tokusa. Tokusa screams and cries, weeping blood as he looks to Allen
"Are we God's enemies now!?" He yells in despair.
  Kanda and Alma fight, expressing intense emotions left and right. The Earl makes Allen an offer, stopping this madness if Allen joins him. Alma then attacks to kill, Kanda awakening his full power to kill Alma. The Earl them admits his love for the fourteenth Noah. Bak attempts to stop the third exorcist by summoning Fo. Do holds Allen in a barrier, telling him to kill Alma. Go asks Allen if he's gonna go with the Earl, calling him an idiot.Tyki goes in to attack the deity, only to be blocked by (y/n) taking the hit.
"Allen, no matter what I'll help you I swear. You are my friend and I will fight to defend you with my life." (Y/n) says as she tells For to help him, saying she will fight Tyki.
" Never thought you were the dominant type Love. No matter, in your condition you won't hold out for long." Tyki says with a hearty chuckle.
The female's eyes turn scarlet red, innocence radiating from every pore of her skin. Everyone encourages Allen to kill Alma, to end the tragic fight. Tyki and (y/n) exchange blows, Tyki noticing her eyes. The other Noah laugh at the sight, recognizing the eyes of the female. The bloodlust and hatred of the Noah, as Wisley whispers to the Earl.
" The Heart is manipulating her, she may be the clue to finding the Heart Lord Millennium. Don't kill her Tyki!" The apostle of Wisdom says telepathically to his fellow Noah. Then the girl spits up blood, reaching out towards Allen. She falls, Tyki catching her before she hits the ground. Tyki stares at (y/n)'s face in curiosity, feeling the Noah inside him stirring. Kanda then attacks Allen using his innocence, surprising all of the scientists as the Noah family smirked. The plan was finally going to come to fruition for the Earl. Tyki then attacks Allen from the air, an amused smile gracing his visage.
"You're so noble, but you know that's only going to get you killed right Boy?" Tyki says playfully. Allen's body then reacts to the attack from Kanda. Allen stops Alma from killing Kanda, as Alma strangles him but drops him as he feels pain. Alma tells the Earl to shut up, wishing to kill Kanda. Kanda then tells Allen to drop Alma and walk away. Kanda refuses to look at Alma, as he hears Allen yell at him. Awakening the full power if the innocence, Kanda begins blaming Allen for the whole situation. Calling him a Noah, Allen attacks hitting Kanda. Alma stops Allen's innocence activation, crying as Allen fought Kanda in rage. Then Allen is stabbed, asking Kanda to look at Alma. He falls off of Kanda's blade, his skin turning to that of a Noah. Allen raises his hand, a sphere of dark matter forming around him causing tremors in the Earth. Alma and Kanda are hit, getting away from Allen. Dark laughter resonates through the air as Allen levitates, a Noah grin on his face. The Earl thanks Kanda with the following words.
" Thank you so kindly Yuu Kanda! He's finally awake! You didn't think about the repercussions your innocence might have on a dormant Noah when you stabbed Allen with it! Well thanks to your carelessness, the 14th has finally risen from his gestating slumber within. The one thing a Noah will never forget is his eternal hatred towards God and the cursed innocence. Every single slash of the foul stuff only serves to further strengthen their hate! You brought about the end of that irritating Allen Walker!" The Earl says with stars in his eyes, satisfied with the results. I'm Allen's mind he is chained to a chair, looking at a Noah who looks like Tyki's twin. Allen wonders who the man in front of him is. Then Allen realizes, this man is the 14th Noah. The rage left (y/n) as she ran to Allen, hoping to stop him. Then she transforms into a Noah, her body growing black wings. Then she says something strange to Allen.
"Neah, you must control yourself. Stop this please, it's alright now!" She pleads, then reverting to her original state as she hugs him. This time however, she calls out weakly to the Earl.
"This innocence in my mind, I'm being used by the Heart! I can feel his bloodlust, the innocence will kill me if not destroyed. Tyki please remove it from my head, or it will kill me again. I can't die, not when I've finally returned to you all." She pleads, the Earl remembering the true identity of the girl. The Earl nods to Tyki to help (y/n), wanting to see the truth for himself. For a moment Tyki looked at the Earl strangely, obliging him anyway. Tyki approaches to grab the girl, only to be pushed away by a dark matter beam. In Allen's mind, Neah tells Allen how they have become mad puppets of destruction who have forgotten everything. Allen's eye activates, reverting him to his original state. Alma self destructs to kill Kanda, to keep Kanda's heart forever. Allen uses the ark to take Alma and Kanda to Mater, away from humanity.
"Be free. Be free from the innocence. You are truly a good person Kanda. Fulfill your promise. Be free of your sorrow, I have broken the curse Kanda." (Y/n) says with a ginger smile.
The Earl then confiscates the third exorcists, calling the Order foolish. Then Tyki destroys the innocence inside of (y/n), as Allen is bound by Link. The girl then grows the black wings, turning into a Noah fully. She flies to the other Noah, smiling fondly.
  "I'm so sorry for leaving you all, I've returned at last. Your wife has finally returned." She says, turning them towards Allen.
  " The Heart of innocence knows, he shall be after your life Allen. He'll stop at nothing to kill Neah. Your innocence will betray you, leading the Heart to you. Heed my words Allen, you are in great danger here. We'll come back for you soon dear Noah. Let me introduce myself, I am Eve. The Child of Eden, also the Wife of the Noah is who I am." She says weakly, falling through the air. Tyki catches her while crying, his Noah overjoyed to see her. All of the Noah cry happy tears, their wife has returned to them after more than 7,000 years.

Eve, The Wife Of The Noah (Tyki Mikk X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora