Chapter 1: An Eventful Evening

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Stepping off the train, (y/n) looks around the station feeling strange about the air of silence. Shrugging it off, she goes to find a place to stay for the evening. Noticing a small hotel, the young lady enters to see about accomodations for tonight. At a bar there stands a middle aged man cleaning glasses.
"Excuse me sir, are there any rooms available for the night? I am a traveling singer and I need a place to stay tonight." you explain with a polite smile.
"Yes, here's the key to room 204. You will find it upstairs in the second floor to your right. Hope you enjoy the evening, just be careful as there have been some kidnappings in the town at night by a vampire! Just don't go out alone, a young lady such as yourself could be in danger." The man says sincerely.
Thanking him, the (h/c) woman proceeds to the room finding it very clean and neat. Tired from the journey, you decide to sing a song before going to bed.

You fascinated me
Cloaked in shadows and secrecy
The beauty of a broken angel
I ventured carefully
Afraid of what you thought I'd be
But pretty soon I was entangled
You take me by the hand
I question who I am
Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin
Put me to the test
I'll prove that I am strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me all along
That behind this soft exterior
Lies a Warrior
My memory refused
To separate the lies from truth
And search the past
My mind created
I kept on pushing through
Standing resolute which you
In equal measure
Loved and hated
You take me by the hand
I'm seeing who I am
Teach me how to fight
Ill show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin
Put me to the test
I'll prove that I am strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
That behind this soft exterior
Lies a Warrior
You take me by the hand
I'm sure of who I am
Teach me how to fight
I'll show you how to win
You're my mortal flaw
And I'm your fatal sin
Let me feel the sting
The pain
The burn
Under my skin
Put me to the test
I'll prove that I am strong
Won't let myself believe
That what we feel is wrong
I finally see what
You knew was inside me all along
That behind this soft exterior
Lies a Warrior
The picture comes to life
Wake in the dead of night
Open my eyes
I must be dreaming
Clutch my pillow tight
Brace myself for the fight
I've heard that seeing
Is believing

Hearing shots outside the room, (y/n)'s body began to glow green then growing wings out of her back. 'One of those malevolent looking things I saw is probably here' the girl thought to herself cringing fearfully at the memory. Opening the door, there are a few of them firing at a guy who seemed to be fighting them. Out if instinct, she decides to punch one and kick another. Surprisingly, they explode making the (h/c) woman flinch. Then another voice was heard yelling " Big hammer, little hammer extend!" Then an elder and a red headed male jumped inside the building.
" What the heck is happening!" (y/n) says feeling super confused.
The three men turn to look at her, noticing her green glow and wings. More shots are fired causing the floor to cave beneath them. Feeling exhausted the young lady passes out. Noticing her and a man beneath the rubble, the elder turns to the men telling them to wait. "We need to tend to them first let's get them out of here." Bookman says calmly looking at the girl curiously.
The sun shines through the window, waking (y/n) from her slumber. Wondering how she got here, she attempts to get up to leave only to collapse on the floor. 'I feel very weak, was that from the commotion the previous night?' the girl questions.
Then the door opened to reveal the three people from that fiasco. The silver haired male offered her a hand then helping her sit on the bed.
"Not to seem ungrateful but who are you guys and what happened yesterday?" The (h/c) female asks politely.
"I am Bookman, the red head is Lavi and the other young man is Allen. Before I explain, how are you feeling now?" The elder says to the girl.
" Nice to meet you gentleman, I am (y/n) and I just feel fatigued. Thank you for helping me, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble." She says smiling and blushing from embarrassment.
" Not a problem I am just glad you are okay dear. Now we are people known as Exorcists, the monsters you saw are called akuma and we destroy them. Do you know why you were glowing green and had wings on your back? We think you may have something called innocence and that you are an accomodator. As such we would like to take you to our headquarters and have you examined, if that's okay with you miss." Bookman explains calmly.
" If it can help you I would be happy to. Excuse me but could you stop staring Lavi, it's rather embarrassing" the (h/c) girl says while hiding her blushing face. Lavi just chuckles at the cuteness while turning to Allen with a smirk. The three them discuss something about a vampire in the nearby castle, Allen and Lavi then leaving to prepare.
" I will be looking after you and the man from last night to make sure no akuma attack you both." Bookman says politely while leaving the room. She then decides to rest for a while, still feeling drained.

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