Chapter 6: The Return Of The Warriors (Continued)

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At the Asia branch, Allen wakes up in a hospital bed. He notices a girl sleeping on the edge of the bed and gets up without disturbing her. Allen then wanders around the compound, confused as to where he is. Then he hears a piano song, Allen then follows the sound. He comes to a chapel, seeing a girl at the piano. Allen also sees the coffins in the chapel. Upon closer inspection, Allen realizes it's (y/n). The (h/l) (h/c) woman plays the piano as if she is pouring out her emotions. Deciding to listen, Allen stands in the chapel quietly. As Allen listens, he begins to feel very peaceful inside. When she finishes the song, another person enters the chapel while clapping.
" At least I found where you both went. Wong was panicking, telling me you two had disappeared somewhere. I'm glad you both are alright but please take it easy. I'm the director of this branch of the Black Order, the name is Bak Chang." A blonde man calmly states. Allen looks at him confused, until he noticed that (y/n) fell over clutching her chest. Allen approaches her asking what's wrong with her. The female remains unresponsive to him, rolling on the ground in agony. Bak then approaches her, picking her up gently and walking out. He asks Allen to follow him, as he wants to talk to Allen. Allen follows him, worrying about his comrade as she starts becoming feverish and vomits up blood. They arrive at the infirmary where Allen woke up to begin with. Bak motions for Allen to leave with him as nurses begin examining (y/n).
" We need to talk, but don't worry too much. She's in good hands with them, they will help her. Let me explain how you two arrived here in the Asia branch. The people in the village where you two were called us, having found two injured exorcists. Wong then transported you both here for treatment. You're innocence was destroyed correct?" Bak says while looking Allen in the eye. As they converse, Allen asks to train to revive his innocence. Then the girl Allen saw earlier walks in talking to Bak. Her name Allen learns is Fo, and she is a guardian deity. Allen attempts to activate his innocence, failing miserably.
While this continues, the others on the journey manage to make it close to Japan after 5 days. However a single akuma approaches them with a message from Cross
" The general wants you all to turn back. You will only slow him down" the akuma says as she explains she is a modified akuma called Chomeske. Bookman asks if she could take them to Cross and she agrees. Then the ship is docked on the coast of Japan. Leaving the ship, the exorcists are approaches by some akuma wanting to kill them. As they fight, they realize that these akuma are level three. They manage to flee and continue towards Edo. They encounter many akuma, remaining hidden from them to protect the injured.
In the meantime, Allen is training with Fo. Also, (y/n) recovered and has been training with Allen and Fo. After their training, Fo goes to talk to Bak about their progress.
" Allen is almost ready to activate his innocence again I can feel it. As for the girl, she's become a real warrior to the point where she has gotten me on the defensive. I think she is ready to return to the Cross unit in Edo. I can also see how she has the heart, she's strong." Fo shares with Bak while laughing loudly. Bak looks at her amused, noticing how she has come to care for the two kids. Fo then returns to train with Allen after lunch, with (y/n) watching them. Suddenly an alarm sounds as Fo begins screaming in agony. This leads to the appearance of an akuma and a Teez. The akuma then attacks Allen with a mysterious ability. This causes Allen to start disappearing slowly over time. In the meantime Allen's innocence eventually activates in a new form. Then Allen and (y/n) attack the akuma simultaneously doing a lot of damage. The akuma then tells them something rather interesting.
" I was sent here by Sir Tyki Mikk, one of the Noah. I was to eliminate you Allen, and bring the girl to the Earl. He wants his precious heart. Mother." The akuma says calmly with a smile. (Y/n) then looks at it confused, she isn't the mother of akuma so what is going on??? Allen then is given use of the ark by the akuma. Allen and (y/n) then talk to Bak and the science division about the Ark. Once they obtain permission, Allen uses the ark to return to their comrades in Edo.
In Edo, the exorcists are fighting hard against the Noah. (Y/n) uses her innocence to arrive at the battlefield first. Flying fast, she punches one of the giant akuma killing it in one blow. Landing in her feet, she turns to her comrades as they stare at her in awe and disbelief.
" Glad to see you missed me. Allen is on his way here to so be ready, it will be quite the sight to see." The (h/c) girl says with a giggle. The Noah even stop and stare at her new innocence activation level.
" Hello Love, glad I get to see you again. I see you've grown much stronger since I saw you last." Tyki flirts with a sexy smirk. His smirk grows as he watches her become very flustered, cooing at her cuteness. Said girl replies with a funny comment.
" I swear that man will be the death of me!" She mutters while blushing.
" Still playing hard to get are we?" Tyki inquires with a perverted grin.
" I DO NO SUCH THING! I HAVE A NAME IT'S (Y/N)!" The girl exclaims while attacking him head on. Her comrades simply sweatdrop at this bizzare exchange between the two. Noticing the crater her attack left, they make a mental note not to piss her off. They all return to fighting as they were, when a dark gateway appears in the sky.
" Took you long enough Allen!" (Y/n) exclaims with a laugh. Then a white arm reaches out to stop the Earl from hurting Lena Lee.
" Hello Earl and good evening." Allen says with a smile. Unfortunately (y/n) is knocked out by Tyki at this point and taken away into Noah's Ark.
" If you want her back come and get her. In the meantime I'll be having a chat with Love here." Tyki declares while holding (y/n) bridal style. Then Allen, Lena Lee, Kanda, Lavi, and Chaozi and Krory then prepare to go after the Noah and (y/n). Into the heart of the enemy.

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