Naruto nodded his head and let go of her hand before giving a small bow to her, "It's nice to meet you Emiko-san." Looking back up he saw the look on Kyoko's face darken considerably, and she seemingly voiced her troubles, "Why bow? Or are you a peasant!" She growled making Ryou's eyes darken while Naruto's mouth twitched into a frown. "Kyoko! I apologize, I suppose our daughter has been rather excited for this... I see this was completely unneeded visit, we shall leave right away." Hibiki stated.

Ryou opened his mouth to say something only for Naruto to beat him to the punch. "It would be rude for us to kick you out, you traveled all this way, stay for dinner at least." Ryouichi has his brow furrowed, he wanted them gone... But it would make things unheedingly awkward between the two leaders... The older couple looked between each other and nodded at that. "That is very appreciated Naruto-Kun. We would be happy to join you for dinner." 

Ryouichi knew he couldn't do anything now... "Aoi! Take them to their room to freshen up, dinner will be ready shortly." He said before lightly turning to leave, Aoi, a male maid bowed to the three and began telling them to follow him to their rooms... Naruto getting one last look at the dark look from Kyoko.

Ryou lightly pulled him away, the touch made Naruto remember where he was, he saw the room he was walking up to and decided to pull the Daimyo into the room quickly and Ryouichi turned confused before the blond seemingly gave a sad faraway look towards him. "Are you okay?" Naruto bit at his lip, before pushing Ryou onto the bed and giving him a kiss unexpectedly.

Naruto pulled away and Ryou can see that the tears were back in his eyes, raising his hand to wipe them away he heard, "Tell me I'm yours again.." Naruto whispered silently, shaking uncontrollably as he did. Ryouichi frowned lightly as he lightly brushed his cheek gently with his hand. "You know that was completely on her to do tha-" "Please..." Naruto cut him off making him stare at the shaking boy for a seconds before lightly pulling him down into an embrace.

"You're mine, nothing will change besides how happier you get." He whispered making Naruto relax into the hold. "No one else is for me, Just you... and our little Haruki." The blond nodded again before a knock on the door snapped them out of their world. "Your majesties, your baths are ready for y-" "Give us a moment!" Ryou said enough to let the maid know and it was silent once more.

"It's okay, we should get our baths... we did just finish training," Naruto muttered silently, not wanting to really leave the red-haired boy's embrace. Ryouichi hummed in thought before he cackled slightly, making Naruto look up curiously. "Come, let us go take our bath." He picked the blond up making him go red, knowing exactly what he had in mind. "Okay, Sia-Chan! We are ready for our baths!" Sia, who was a white-haired woman with black strands framing her face opened the door and saw their position and raised an eyebrow.


Naruto covered his face in complete and utter embarrassment... the warm water soaking his entire body made him feel relaxed... but when the other body came in, he couldn't stop the thoughts from invading his mind. "You know you are cuter when you're embarrassed," Ryou whispered and pulled him closer to him. His bare chest against his back making Naruto's ears burn. Feeling as if the hot bath got hotter. "No, I'm not.." He whispered before turning his head and saw that his hair was down from its spiky nature and gave a small chuckle from it.

"Well, do you want to talk about it?" Ryou asked making Naruto sigh briefly. "That girl... Something is off about her." The daimyo grinned lightly at that and lightly trailed his fingers up the blond's arm, "Are you sure you're not just possessive over me?" Naruto turned around, his blush had simmered down. "Ryou I'm serious... When I was captured by that Ebina girl... She didn't scare me, I was only scared for Haru-chan... That girl is different... It's like something else."

Ryouichi frowned as Naruto kept going. "I just... I sensed something..." Naruto whispered to his red-haired fiance as he pushed himself closer to him. The warm water seemingly soothing the blond's thoughts. "What did you sense?" Ryouichi asked curiously while Naruto opened his mouth to speak, only for Kurama to cut in. "Naruto sensed the demon that is possessing her." Naruto flinched slightly at the sudden sound.

"A demon? A Bijuu?" Ryou questioned making Kurama scoff of the thought. "Of course not, It's just a soul that has been out of the loop of where it should be far too long... Although this one seems to be a nasty one." The daimyo sighed, whenever she touched him it always felt like she was a little too cold for comfort, shivering at the thought he dumped another bit of water onto his head, closing his eyes and the soap left his hair.

"And another warning... It seems the girl isn't aware of the demon, however it seems she welcomes it in like it was only from a dream... So she is not sane." The fox warned the two making Ryou roll his eyes, he could have guessed that. Ryou stood up making Naruto freak out and look away, the blush returning to his face. "Oh for crying out loud Naruto, you already met why be shy." Naruto seemingly punched him in the stomach lightly, his face turning crimson still. Ryou laughed at his expense briefly before placing a tower over his waist.

"Happy?" Naruto looked over briefly and sighed. "Just cause we 'Met' Doesn't mean you can suddenly flash me!" The Jinchuriki shouted making Ryouichi grin, "I wouldn't mind you flashing me." He shrugged his shoulders while Naruto just stared agape, "PERVERT!" 

Kurama seemingly laughed inside of his container, loving every minute of this. "He is smooth!" 



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