Chapter Ten ~ Love Was Meant To Last

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Authors Note - WOW.... Ok I've seen reads go up this fast but only on really good books.... Is THIS a good book? Huh? I mean, 420 reads?!?! I love you all..... Please vote for this chapter!!! Sorry that this chapter took so long but commenting WOULD speed things up you know! Have any of you read the new Skulduggery Pleasant book? I laughed, hung off the edge of my seat and admittedly cried when the last chapter ended! A year of waiting seems far too long! Ok so, time to sum up my last chapter ok? Both sides if Valduggery have confessed their love, not to mention accepted the others feelings of love. Valkarie got mad at Fletcher because she felt that he hadn't been there for her enough, especially seeing as he disappeared to Australia for what seemed like ages. There was also a short P.O.V from Fletcher at the end where he seems to be about to attack Skulduggery....with the intention of killing him. Shocking enough? Shout outs and fan of the update will be in my ending Authors Note! Sayonara! Xxx

She frowned, the blossom suddenly ceasing it's dance, poised to continue. Why wasn't he here? Why had he only come at night? Where the hell was he? She'd had no calls, no messages. Just flowers and silence. What gave him the right to be sulky? He was acting like a stroppy little boy,hiding himself away like this... No more. What she'd felt for him that night on the road was gone so far that she couldn't even pull her thoughts together enough to know what it had been. If he wanted to see her, this time it would be on her grounds.

Pushing at the air to open the passenger window she held the blossom out. Cold air whipped the petals so violently that they nearly tore. The flower clung desperately on to Valkarie's thumb and finger, but the dance was over, no encores, the curtain had fallen. As soon as she let go, the blossom was torn from her grasp, a flash of red could be seen momentarily before the scene outside changed back to dull. Skulduggery's hand held hers gently.

Valkarie turned away, trying to fight tears.

Chapter Nine


Love At Last

The flower landed with a final tumble at my feet but I carried on watching the car drive away. I watched until it was just a black dot that blinked into nothingness.

If I'd been an hour sooner, I would have been the one she woke up to, me. Skulduggery would have to be the one that ran around that god forsaken hospital looking for her when he'd found an empty bed. The skeleton could stand there while the blue haired girl told him that she'd woken up and left, with the one she loved. He could find the flowers had been casually dropped in a dustbin by a nurse. Let the dead man die inside.

I picked up the flower, I'd seen her, she held it out the window and dropped it like a wrapper. The petals were worn, the stem had been twirled, I could see where she'd held it. The smell filled of it filled the air around me.

I tucked it into the button hole of the casual jacket I was wearing and hoisted up my shoulder bag. Grudgingly I started walking in the general direction they'd driven in, shoving a hand inside the bag I could feel the knife, the edge of it cut deep into my thumb. My lip twitched but I just gathered my thoughts concentrating hard on where I'd found them.

Then I was gone.


Chapter Ten


Love Was Meant To Last

VALDUGGERY - catch me when I fallKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat