Valduggery - Speak To Me

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Authors note - who else just HATES it when their hair goes static on a plane? A HOT plane? God I know I do...might be karma for not writing enough so here's an extra long chapter! For those of you who didn't guess already I'm on my way back from France! My expectations of supposed 'hot French boys' are so bruised they might never recover... What's up with them either copying celebs hair (I've seen I'm sexy and I know it, jb and Gyote!) or just hiding in hoodies? Guys.....please stride to be better than them! Shout outs will be at the end of the chapter this time! Oh and before I start babbling again, our daring duo now with Fletcher figured out that Dusk has been recruiting a shed load of new vampires.....his motives? Read on Valduggery fans!!!

Chapter Four

Speak To Me


"of course." Valkarie groaned as realisation dawned on her, another weight on her conscience. "who else?"

The sheer number of new vampires.

How it had been too easy too neat, capturing the vampire that'd broken her ribs.

How it had confirmed that Skuduggery and of course she was still here.

Who else?




Dusk was back.


The ride back wasn't just stony. It wasn't just awkward. It was in fact, thought Valkarie so very far beyond stony awkward silence that there probably wasn't even a word for it.

Skulduggery's gloved hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly, all attention on the road ahead. The Bentley passed under a flickering light and not for the first time Valkarie wished he had a more readable collection of expressions.

Out the corner of her eye she could see Fletcher. She immediately wished She hadn't though. His usually playful eyes were as dead set as Skulduggery's, except his were boring deeply into her own.

His entire body tensed as they locked eyes. Valkarie could have sworn that his hair even stopped quivering with every minor bump they passed over. His eyes held so much right then. Anger, sadness, longing?....fear? Fear of what?

She turned sharply to face the onslaught of rain now hammering on the Bentley. Valkarie knew the answer to that question. But she pushed that to the back of her mind.

Skulduggery had been caught off guard that was all. That was all.

The bright lights that seemed to pull them closer to Dublin loomed as Valkarie fought a yawn. Her battered watch informed her if what she already knew. Way past midnight. Great.


Speak To Me

Valkarie whipped her head away from me and I tried not to let I show just how much that hurt. She didn't turn back around, peachy. That was a phrase that I'd picked up from the Sanctuary in Australia.

There's a lot I've picked up from there. Like how much I missed her. Valkarie, who else was going to be my reason for leaving there and coming back as a freelance? A bit like Tanith used to be.

I picked up how whenever I saw someone with her hair or her smile. Whenever someone arched their eyebrow or Sid something about my hair I only saw her. I was an idiot, I should've just forgave her. Hell I'd forgive her a million times over right now if I could. Except I can't, because I mucked it all up.

VALDUGGERY - catch me when I fallWhere stories live. Discover now