Chapter Seven - All Alone

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Authors Note - dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to pay respects to Miss Valkarie Cain... ONLY KIDDING! Some people seemed to to be a bit freaked by that... Eh yeah sorry BlackAmber!!! I shall update! By the way who unfanned me? How come I went from nine to eight? Ah well, at least this Valduggery got four votes, but I could do with some more guys! Really? You will? THANK YOU!!! Ok so in the last chapter Dusk definitely got his revenge, or did he? Has Valkarie died? Skulduggery confessed to her! Does anyone actually read this? Guess not then. Well here, another chapter ok?

Terrified she reached for his hand, trying again to say his name. "I'm......sor.....Skul.....sorr....." she eyed to apologise that she was going to leave, there was still so much that she wanted to tell him, needed to-

"I LOVE YOU!!!" what Valkarie was going to say caught somewhere between her heart and mouth. What had he just said? Skulduggery pressed his forehead up against hers, cradling her in his arms.

"I LOVE YOU!!! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE VALKARIE CAIN!!!" she loved him too! Why couldn't she talk? She needed to tell him, but the shadowy blackness was closing in now, and Skulduggery was coming in and out of her focus. She grasped his hand tighter, blinking, trying to form words.

"I LOVE YOU!!!" the last thing that Valkarie remembered was Skulduggery yelling over and over how he loved her. Before everything went black, her head tipped back and her eyes fluttered closed.

Valkarie became briefly aware of Skulduggery sobbing again, crying out her name, Nye screeching somewhere nearby, his voice growing close. Then Skulduggery's voice s angry, shouts from far off as much longer arms examined her. A ridiculously high scratchy voice telling her to hang on, but the darkness was all around her now, she felt as if she'd been hanging onto a cliff edge by the edge of her fingertips... Then she let go...



Chapter Seven

All Alone

Valkarie drifted in and out of being, riding on a sea of black. She felt neither sad, or happy, she was simply there. And while she drifted she dreamt, dreaming of the most amazing things, things that made no sense but at the same time seemed most real. People throwing fire, a man with scars, creatures from stories, dead people coming out of stones and.... And a talking skeletons with debonair suits.

There were strange names too, Tanith and China and someone called Skulduggery... Magical people doing magical things. Her name was Stephanie and Valkarie and Darkquess all at the same time.

She didn't think that she'd ever been so confused. Was she dead or alive? What she saw, real or just a dream? And that voice in her head, yelling out how they loved her, who was that? Who loved her? Valkarie knew that she loved someone with every part of her being, his name on the tip of her tongue she couldn't feel.

Sometimes Valkarie became aware of a bed beneath her, voices drifting in and out of her thoughts, hands in hers. But in the world of endless black, the void she was trapped in, time made no sense. What felt like weeks could've have been seconds, and vice versa. Part of her wanted to sit up, open her eyes do something. But Valkarie's mind stayed numb, thoughts and feelings jumbled and blended until she slipped back into nothingness.

Valkarie lay wherever she was, time did what she assumed it was doing... It passed her by, a speck in the oblivion of shadows.


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