Chapter two. VSLKARIE Sometimes silence is the best answer

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Not really got a note for this......shame....I could use up this space to talk about the music I love (Nicki Minaj, Pierce the veil, Train ect...) or some great movies...(iron sky, the hunger games, woman in black.) or some YouTube vids? (SMOSH!!! The fine bros! I love cats.) ooor I could tell you what's in store in this chapter?.......(AMAZINGNESS!!!) oh who cares.... No one actually reads ths bit! Love you! Xxx

Chapter two.


Sometimes silence is the best answer.

The sun was just beginning to set as Valkarie watched it out if the window. It's golden glow illuminating the branches of every tree the Bentley passed. Conversation seemed to be dead now. In comparison to when he had carried her out of the Sanctuary, Skulduggery seemed so very far away.

She wanted to reach over, to take his hand. To tell him she had never loved anyone like she loved him. But instead she sat in total silence. If she had a knife, she could have cut the suspense hanging thick in the air.

"music?" Valkarie started slightly, mainly because she'd been fantasising about being held by the owner of the voice. She frowned,

"you never listen to music. Are you ok?"



Caught off guard.

"you never listen to music. Are you ok?" Valkarie asked tentatively.

Skulduggery wanted to yell, he wanted to yell that no, he wasn't ok. Something was eating him up so badly he would do anything to make it stop. He wanted to grab her and confess that he didn't listen to music only when she was around, because he only wanted to hear her voice.

He wanted her to understand. To understand the tumultuous pain it caused him whenever he saw her hurt. To see, just for a moment, how much of him went with her whenever she left his side.

He wanted her to love him back. He wanted her and nothing more.

But he didn't say it, he said, "why, can't I listen to music?" a jokey tone, a jokey tone when he was talking to the girl he loved. He was so pathetic. She deserved better.

"Skulduggery-" Valkarie began but Skulduggery held up a gloved hand to stop her. He needed to do this, he needed to do this before it tore him apart.

"Valkarie, I need to-"


Valkarie let out a shriek as she recognised the person, it couldn't be....

Swearing Skulduggery swerved the wheel at the last moment to avoid hitting whoever had yelled from the middle of the road. The back of the Bentley skidded off the road as Skulduggery, his hands a blur, turned the wheel again and again in an attempt to regain controll. The wheels screeched as the engine roared. Finally they came to a spinning stop.

Tapping the symbols that left him with a temporary face, Skulduggery kicked open his door and fuming strode to the person in the road. Valkarie followed, glaring around her.

"boo!" hissed a sudden voice in her ear.

Needless to say she jumped. In fact if it was possible to actually jump out of your skin, she'd just done it. She whirled, lashing out with a wide kick. Feeling her toe crunch into someone. She pressed into the attack, trying to get her elbow in...but there was no one there. Frowning she turned to call for Skulduggery...and came face to face with Fletcher Renn.

It took her a minute to register what ad just happened. Then it registered.

"you idiot!" she yelled at him as Skulduggery ran over, gun in hand. She shoved him in the chest, hard. He stumbled back, shock plastered all over his face.

"wh-what?" he stumbled over each word, shaking slightly. He was wearing a t shirt for Pierce the Veil, his jeans were well tailored and worn. He had tanned, but it was his hair, that stood out at untamed angles, defying all means of reason that marked him out as the boy she knew.

"we nearly hit you!" she realised her voice was shaky, why was her voice shaky? "why didn't you teleport? Why did just....then you..." now it wasn't just her voice that was shaky. Skulduggery had stopped a little way away from them.

She shoved him again, but her arms were weak and he barely stumbled. His eyes filled with concern.

"Valkarie, Valkarie...I'm fine, what's wrong?..." god he was really worried. But he was Fletcher, her ex Fetcher. Annoying why was she so close to crying?

"months!" she was practically sobbing now. Get a grip Valkarie! "you've been in Australia for months! Months and you didn't didn't....I thought you-" she punctuated each word with a shove, weak as they were.

However on the last Word 'you' she stumbled as she shoved and fell. Fletcher caught her and held on. Her hands had been moving for a shove so they were pressed against his chest.

"hey Val, I'm here...I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I'm so-" but Valkarie couldn't hold any more. Sure they had broken up and it had been her fault...but Fletcher had been her friend, he'd been there for her. And all the time he'd been there she'd taken it for granted. When he left for the Australian Sanctuary he had dropped all contact. No visits no texts no calls, Fletcher had really gone and it had been her fault.

Now, pressed up against him with his arms wrapped around her murmuring into her ear and telling her it was going to be ok....she couldn't help it, she took a ragged breath and burst into tears. It wasn't ladylike crying oh no, she opened her mouth and sobbed hard.

At first Fletcher was taken by surprise, but then his voice became strained and in the end what he said she could barely make out, "Valkarie Valkarie Valkarie ......"

They stayed like that for so long she didn't notice time passing. When they dud break apart Fletchers eyes were red and she must have looked a mess because he smiled cockily at her.

Almost all of her thoughts were devoted to how much she missed him, as a friend. They had broken up they were over. She had ended it, she had cheated. But still she felt happier right then then she had in such a long time.

But...not all of her mind was concentrating on Fketcher, and the part that wasn't was thinking purely of Skulduggery. Skulduggery. Skulduggery....

"Skulduggery?" Valkarie asked, then she saw him. "Skulduggery!?!?!"

Fletcher took a very sudden but very deliberate step in front of her. And Skulduggery, the hand that wasn't balled up into a tight fist was-

"Skulduggery...what are you doing with your gun!"

She frowned, shocked as she took in the scene. Skulduggery was holding his revolver, aiming it squarely at Fetchers now serious face. Fletcher had taken a step in front of her but the gun was aimed only at him.



Authors note - wow, an authors note huh!?!? First time I've called myself an author, also first time I've written something that I've been so devoted to!

W O W ! ! ! is Skulduggery going to shoot Fletcher? Who does Valkarie love? Will the trigger be pulled? Will Derek Landy EVER write a Valduggery!?!?

What's funny is that I know all the answers, and you don't! Mwa haha! Ah well just keep reading! If I can update two chapters that quickly then one more should be no trouble at all! (I don't really know the answer to that last one......damn it!) a shout out to all my readers and thank you for being there! Comment and I'll give solo shout outs in the next chapter! Love you! X

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