Chapter Nine - Love At Last

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Authors Note - has anyone else noticed the Valduggery's popping up all over Wattpad? Check out the last three, ÜBER cool! Makes me wish that I'D thought if that.... Oh yeah, my writers block has passed! This chapter might be a tad scratchy because the block is hard to break my friends.... By the way... Has anyone guessed my age? NO TELLING DAD!!! But seriously though... Anyone? I can tell from the pictures for most if you, any guesses for moi? The last chapter has been what we've all been waiting for, Valkarie finally confessed, as has Skulduggery! Whoop whoop! (just like to say that I've never said that before in my life....) Shout outs, fan of the update and pleasant rambles at the end of this chapter, I'll try to make it longer than the last one! Phoenix... OUT!

He was saying her name over and over So quickly she could barely make it out. But there was something that Valkarie needed to do, what she had woken up to do. Taking a deep breath she pushed him away. The second that they parted, Valkarie felt like a part of her had been ripped out with him. His arms were still out to her, body refrozen, staring at her. Valkarie had to be strong, all she wanted right now was to fall back into his arms.

She looked up, breathing quickly.

He met her gaze unwaveringly and a certainty filled Valkarie at the ep sight of him.

She wanted this.

She needed this.

Se needed him.

Valkarie loved him, she had to say this.

Heart racing, Valkarie opened her mouth, knowing that she had to be quick before she could back out.


Time slowed. Stopped.

"I love you."



Chapter Nine


Love At Last

"I love you."

Skulduggery froze alongside time and all sense of reason, his heart he didn't have flipped as it pounded against his ribs. Had she really just said that? Could it be possible that he did love him?

Looking into her dark, tear filled eyes, he looked for the answer, found it ready. Yes.

"I love you too."

She let out a slightly choked laugh that wrenched on Skulduggery's heart, he leaned in slightly. Her head dipped slightly, and when in came up again large tears were dripping off her jawline.

"I know. Or so I've heard." she smiled as inwardly Skulduggery mirrored her. He leaned in more using a hand on her back to pull her closer, Valkarie made no move to stop him... So he kissed her.

Chapter Nine


Love At Last

The lack of lips did nothing to ruin, nor dampen the feelings of the kiss, Valkarie smiled into his teeth as her arm wrapped around his neck, their remaining hands clasped tightly.

Valkarie wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted, seconds stretching into blissful hours. She didn't want to be the first to pull away. So it came as a surprise , even to herself when she did. Starring again, deep into his eye sockets her heart swelled even more than before, even without eyes she could see his love for her as his forehead pressed against hers, closer than before.

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